A. Background or the study
An individual cannot be free from his own life. As a member of a society,
an author cannot be free from the influence of his communities. The life is
influenced by culture, religion, idea and convention of his society. A life of
a human being cannot stand by itself There is a sense of dependence. In
condition, this interrelation should be advantageous. Every site should have a
chance to take and to give. As a nature of interrelationship that is mutualism.
Mail lives in social reality he has to make an adjustment with the social condition
a good cooperation is expectedly ill here.
Life essentially concerns with the social aspects which involve politic,
economy, social, culture, and religion. Moral is an important part of tile
social life, It will determine a man in the society, how the man acts adapting
to the society. I here are various characteristics of human being in society.
The characteristics reflect someone's behavior, attitude, and the way of speaking
, dressing, and thinking. The variations of their behavior are caused by man
cases such as family, environment and education.
We know that literature has close relation with the society. They are
part of social aspects as the reality of the social life. Literature is not the
imaginative work. It means that the author will not be able to create the work
by ignoring the reality in tile social life. What the story is talking about is
gotten from the experience in the social life. Literature can be seen as a
reflection or representation of human life in human society in which literature
itself exist.
Literature, like society, is a totality. The relation between literature
and society is starting with the phrase that literature is an expression of
society. Basically literary work presents a picture of life which has many
similarities with the real daily life. Situation, characters and problems
described in tile work of art are description of this human life complete with
its various problem and aspects. Thus literary work which can't be separated
From social condition where author lived is an author’s expression which is
embodied through the medium of language. Literature call give more knowledge to
understand the essence of life. Literature call be help For if, to be
realistic, mature and wiser in understanding tile reality of life, so Matthew
Arnold says "AII good literature is criticism of life." It is mean
that this literature has Function to criticize the life's problem and give the
solution of how to improve it.
The novel Silos Marner written by George Eliot is very interesting
to be analyzed as the object of research. This novel reflecting the moral
concern and social criticism in the Victorian Age. One of' general
characteristics of Victorian period in England was the rise of novel
dedicated to develop the moral of society. In this period novel didn't only used to defict
life as it was but also how life should how been. Therefore many novels of this
period in general were problem novels : pieces of' work which illustrated the
problems of society and proposed (lie ideas and thoughts to solve them. This
novel also gives the story of a simple weaver of file village of Raveloe who
lived among stupid, deep moral teaching that opportunities for bettering our
life do come to everybody, and everything depends oil whether we realize them and
make something for them. In a genius way Eliot simply give the main character
of this novel, Silas, opportunities for bettering his life.
George Eliot's has a good depiction to what happens in England as
expressed ill Silas Marmer. This novel is very interesting to be
analyzed, especially with sociological analysis.
Literature Review
A study of Silas Marmer has been conducted by Faizal Risdianto in his
thesis entitled: "I-he Influence of Inferiority Feelings on
the Life of,5ila.c A9crritcr in George Eliot’s Silas marmer. The tries
to explain the way of Silas's life problems which cause the feeling of inferiority
and how this feeling Influences his mental development.
Another study of Silos Marmer is conducted by Ropiko Herna
Cahyaningsih in George Eliot's view on human life in her novel Silas Marmer Genetic
Structuralism. It focuses on the relation between (lie internal structure of
the work and the longer structures of social reality. The sociological analysis
in George Eliot’s Silas Marmer has never been studied, so the researcher
wants to analyze this novel.
Problem Statement
The problem of the study is how the novel reflects the social realities
of the mid nineteenth-century English society.
D. Objective of the
Vile objective of this study are as follows:
analyze the novel in term of its structure (structural analysis)
identity the relation between the structure of Silas Marmer and tile social condition of England in
E. Benefit of the
The benefits expected from this study are as follows:
Hopefully ,
the result of this research will give some benefits to the world of literature,
in the term of the sociological literary study.
The thesis
writer wanted this study would give some contributions to the development of
literary study. In addition, it would help researches who want to examine Silas
marmer literary work.
Research Method
The researcher in this novel using qualitative method. 'File object of
the study is George Eliot's novel, Silas Marmer
object of the study
researcher uses the novel Silas Marmer as the object of the study. It
was written by Gorge Eliot in England in 1861.
collecting the data, the writer uses qualitative research. The writer collects
and records the evidence from the primary data and secondary data, the writer
is doing some ways below:
a. Read the study many times, until the
writer gets the information.
b. Read some books, which have
correlation to the novel especially about sociological matters.
information about Silos Marmer in internet to get new data about this
Data Analysis
The techniques
is descriptive that is the interpretation of the text which is based on the
structural analysis.
G. Paper Organization
The paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter One is the introduction
which includes the background of the study, literature review, problem
statement, Objective of the study, benefit of the study, research method and
paper organization. Underlying theory will be presented in Chapter Two. Chapter
Three deals with tile social background of English society in the middle
nineteenth century. The analysis of structural elements of the novel, which
consist of character and characterization, theme, setting, point of view, plot,
and style, will be described in Chapter Four. The important part of this study
is the sociological analysis of the novel, which will be presented in Chapter
Five, Finally, Chapter Six is where the writer will make conclusions and give
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