General Background of the Study
Language is the principle means used by human beings
to communicate with one another. People can understand others and take
information from others by using it. People use it to interact with others, to
establish and maintain relations with them, to influence their behaviour and to
express their own viewpoints on things in the world. Language is a device for
communicating both spoken and written. It is primarily spoken, although it can
be transferred to other media, such as writing. “Communication with words: the human use of spoken or
written words as a communication system”. (Microsoft®Encarta®2006.©1993-2005
Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved)
English is a foreign language that is taught in
schools in Indonesia. Our government stated in the 2004 curriculum, English as
one of the compulsory subject (2003:14):
The aim of English subject is developing ability of
communication in language, both spoken and written. (Reading, listening,
speaking, and writing skills).
In this curriculum, the junior high school students’
graduate should achieve the functional level of literacy described by Wells
(1991:52-53). This perspective emphasizes the uses that are made of literacy in
interpersonal communication. To be literate, according to this perspective, is to
be able as a member of that particular
society to cope with the demands of everyday life that involve written
Nowadays, National Education Standard Organization
(BSNP) has arranged the 2006 Curriculum named KTSP “(Kurikulum Satuan Tingkat
Pendidikan)” or school curriculum. But, actually it does not change the basis
of 2004 curriculum substantially. Therefore, the content, the target, and the
material of school curriculum are almost the same with 2004 curriculum. The
school curriculum is the completeness of 2004 curriculum.
In the school curriculum, I find several actional
competencies that should have been taught for the first students of junior high
school. One of actional competencies is reading; understanding the meaning of
steps of rhetorical development in the written text. There are transactional
and interpersonal texts, short functional texts, and monolog texts including
descriptive and procedure texts.
Based on the school curriculum, an English teacher
needs to arrange syllabus, determine the basic competence, time allocation, and
choose the teaching strategies and materials. The materials can be the
authentic materials, for example from newspaper, magazine, recipe, or textbook.
A textbook is a manual of instruction or
a standard book in any branch of study. (
An English textbook is a means to teach English,
which at the same function as media to train students to learn English.
The teacher has responsibility to select the
textbook that is used as a material in teaching learning process. Finocchiaro
(1974:49) pointed out that he should be able to decide whether the contents of
the textbook are suitable with the current curriculum or not. He wrote “we
should examine as many as textbook as possible in the field of teaching English
as a second language”. The contents of the materials in the textbook help him
in teaching learning process.
Reason for Choosing the Topic
In this study, I have chosen the topic The Text
Structures of Monologue Text Types found in Joyful English Book 1 for SMP class
VII published by “CV Aneka Ilmu”.
I am interested in finding out whether the monologue
text types found in that textbook are stated and written based on the school
curriculum or not. The English school curriculum is actually designed based on
the 2004 English curriculum which is text based, meaning that the monologue
text in the textbook should be written by considering the two contexts
encircling it, the context of culture and the context of situation.
Statements of the Problem
Problems that
are discussed in this study can be stated as follows:
What monologue text types are
found in Joyful English Book 1 for SMP class VII published by “CV Aneka Ilmu”?
How is each of the monologue text
in that textbook structured?
Objectives of the Study
This study has
the following objectives:
To know the monologue text types
found in Joyful English Book 1 for SMP class VII published by “CV Aneka Ilmu”.
To know each of the monologue
text in that textbook is structured.
Significance of the Study
The result of the study will hopefully be useful for
the e teacher of English to consider when choosing a textbook to teach.
Limitation of the Study
I limit the scope of the study to only analyze the
monologue text types found in the textbook in terms of the type of the text and
how each of the text is structured. However I also analyze the social function
of the monologue text, the generic structures and the grammatical features of
Outline of the Study
This study
consists of five chapters.
Chapter one consists of the general background of
the study, reason for choosing the topic, statement of the problem, objective
of the study, significant of the study, limitation of the problem, and the
outline of the study.
Chapter two consist of the review of related
literature which contains theories underlying the writing of this study.
Chapter three is research methodology. It discusses
the research approach, source of data, data, and procedures of analyzing data.
Chapter four consists of text analysis especially
passages found in Joyful English Book 1 for SMP Class VII published by “CV
Aneka Ilmu”.
Chapter five consists of conclusion and suggestion.
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