General Background of the Study
English is an international language, which is used by many people all over
the world to communicate among nations either in spoken and written interaction.
Thus, it is not surprising that the teaching of English is carried out in many
parts of the world.
Seeing that English is an international language, our government has stipulated
that English becomes the first foreign language in Indonesia, so English has
been given more special attention. Nowadays, we can see that English is not only
taught at Junior High School, Senior High School and Vocational School, but also
at Elementary School as a local content. This is a new step for the national education
in Indonesia (Depdiknas, 2004: 1).
The function of teaching English in Elementary School is to introduce English
as the first foreign language to Elementary School students in order to be able
to communicate in simple English. By studying English, the students are expected
to have a mean to develop their knowledge of science, technology and culture so
that they can grow up with Indonesian personality. Later, hopefully, the pupils
are able to support the development of tourism (Depdiknas, 2004: 1).
In the Basic Course Outline of English as A Local Content Course of Study
at Elementary School 2004 explains that as a local content subject, English is
taught to pupils of first grade to sixth grade. The aim of teaching English in
the Elementary School is to motivate them to be ready and self-confident in
learning English at higher level of education. The material consist of
spelling, listening, vocabulary, writing, reading and functional skills as the
basis to get simple language skill.
Vocabulary is one of the English components, which has to be mastered and
acquired by students in learning a new language. Allen (1983: 5) gives one reason
for the emphasis on vocabulary in English learning: “Scholars are taking a new
interest in the study of the world meaning.
A number to research studies recently dealt with lexical problems (problems
related to world). Through research the scholar are finding that the lexical
problems frequently interfere with communication, communications break down
when people do not use the right word. Such discoveries by scholars do not
surprise classroom teachers.
Teachers have never doubted the value of learning vocabulary. They know
communication stop when learners lack the necessary word.” Using Allen’s (1983:
5) argument above as a starting point, it can be argued that vocabulary is a
salient part of today’s 2004 curriculum since the curriculum has been used.
Vocabulary it self consists of several parts of speech they are noun, verb,
adjective, and adverb. From these kinds of vocabulary, the first that students
need to know is noun (Marcella Frank, 1972:6).
Noun refers to a word used to name or identify any of class of things or objects,
people, places or ideas, or a particular one of these (Hornby, 1974: 574). In
this study, the writer teaches noun or names of object to the Elementary School
students, since it is suitable with the curriculum of Elementary School, which explains
that the vocabulary teaching in Elementary School, are as follow:
a. Greeting and parting
b. Colors
around us
d. Numbers
(Depdiknas, 2004: 6)
Teaching names of object to the Elementary School students is different with
teaching to adults, since students of Elementary School have different characteristic
with adults. For example, when they feel bored with the class, they will sleep
during the class and ignore the lesson given by the teacher. That is why, the
teachers need to choose one of various techniques that are best for students.
According to Gerlach (1975: 187), techniques are the ways and means
adopted by a teacher to direct the learner’s activities toward an objective.
Techniques are the tools of the teacher. The effective teacher has a multitude
of techniques and must be prepared to select the one, which will be efficient
in leading the learner to the desired terminal behavior. Techniques are the
means for reaching an objective and can be part of expository or inquiry
Notion (1997: 243) states that a good vocabulary teaching technique does the
following things:
a. It interests the learners;
b. It makes the learners give attention
to the form, meaning or use of words;
gives chance for repetition.
Based on the principles above, the writer tries to contribute her idea to
the teaching of English, later on, she hopes that it will be useful for her
fellow teachers. The writer wants to conduct an experiment on the use of a
cartoon movie entitled “DORA THE EXPLORER” as an alternatives technique in teaching
names of object.
By using the cartoon movie entitled “DORA THE EXPLORER” as an alternative
technique in teaching names of object, the Elementary School students are given
something new and different from what they usually get in class. They are not
only the object of the teaching learning process but also the participants. In
other words, the teacher makes the students active instead of being silent. Through
this study, the writer wants to find out a new teaching technique to increase
the quality of English teaching learning process in Elementary School.
Reasons for Choosing the Topic
The writer chooses a cartoon movie entitled “DORA THE EXPLORER” in the
series of “DORA MAP ADVENTURE” as a media of teaching names of object since it
provides many words or vocabulary especially nouns or names of object like
suggested by Depdiknas above and there are many repetitions of the words which
can help students to memorize the words.The writer chooses the sixth grade
students of SD Negeri 05 Randudongkal as the case of the study because it is
the best school in the resident. Mr. Durmo as the head master of SD Negeri 05
Randudongkal says that the students’ achievement of English in SD Negeri 05
Randudongkal is not as good as in other subjects. That is why the writer tries
to apply a new teaching methodology to teach English in this school by using a
cartoon movie entitled “DORA THE EXPLORER” in the series of “DORA MAP
Statement of the Problem
In this thesis, the writer limits the discussion by stating the following
Does “DORA THE EXPLORER” cartoon movie improve students’ mastery of names
of object?
Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study that the writer wants to achieve in her study
a. To find out whether “DORA THE
EXPLORER” cartoon movie can improve the students’ mastery of names of object.
b. To prove whether there is any
significant difference between the students’ achievement who are taught by
“DORA THE EXPLORER” cartoon movie and those are taught by conventional
Theoretically, this study can contribute to the development of
teaching names of object in school.
Practically, the result of the study can be used as additional
information for English teachers especially in developing various techniques in
teaching learning process.
Pedagogically, the result of the study can be used for the teacher
to construct the material of names of object in Elementary School.
Based on the problem, the working hypothesis of the study is as follows:
There is no significant difference between names of object proficiency of
students those taught by using cartoon movie and which taught by using the
conventional technique.
Organization of the Thesis
The organization of the paper will be as follow:
Chapter I gives introduction which contains the background of the study, the
reasons for choosing the topic, statements of the problems, objectives of the study,
the significance of the research, and the organization of the paper.
Chapter II presents the review of related literature which discusses the definition
of noun, types of noun, general concept of media, the principle of audio visual
selection, the definition of cartoon movie, the explanation of “DORA THE EXPLORER”
cartoon movie, the contribution of cartoon movie in teaching names of object,
teaching names of object at Elementary School, conventional technique, Elementary
School students in Indonesia, and some problems of students in learning
Chapter III explains the methodology of research which discusses the source
of data, method of data analysis, method of data collection, procedure of the
experiment, procedure of collecting data, writing the instrument, and try out.
Chapter IV concerns with the result of the research and the discussion.
Chapter V proposes the conclusions and suggestions.
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