Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012




1.1    Background of the Study
Language plays an important role In our lives because we use it to communicate with others in daily activities. All our activities with other people depend on communication. So, if we communicate well, we will be able to establish a good personal and professional relationship. On the other hand, if we communicate badly, we probably will be doomed and we can't make a0ood personal as well as successful relationships with other partners. Thus, we know that nowadays, people around the world use English as a tool to communicate with others in both formal and Informal settings.
Increasingly English is becoming the major international language of printed information. The program on TV, the paper we read, most of the science books are written in English. In countries where English is an official language, it may still have a significant role to p1ay. It may 17e an important school sub ect and it maybe necessary to pass an examination in English to enter a university. It may be needed of certain courses a University, or at least of a large percentage of the dents' textbooks. It may be needed for people who work in tourism business, and some sections of the civil service.
Learning English as a foreign language is a difficult thing to do for most of the Indonesia students. It also takes a lot of time since English is a foreign language for them. In learning English, they will certainly find elements, which are not found in their mother tongue, which has already been established in their minds. They Will be able to learn the elements of the target language, which are similar to own more easily than those, which are not found in their native language.
Students come to a language program with particular profile of talents, interests, learning habits, and purposes. They may differ with respect to personal goals and motivation. Some may be studying a language because they see its relevance to satisfy a curiosity and fascination with a foreign culture or cultural group. Students also differ with respect to the abilities they being to the task. Some students have a good ear and pick up languages quickly, others require much greater effort to achieve the same results.
Learners also differ in how they go about the task of learning. Some learners like to write down new words and sentences, and some worry when they don't understand something and look for explanations. Others may be shy about making errors and avoid such opportunities. Studies of the role of aptitude, motivation and differences in cognitive style have done much to clarify the contributions of these factors to success or failure in second and foreign language learning.
Errors and mistakes in teaching English as a foreign language are something natural and will occur frequently. Therefore, to minimize the errors made by the students, the teachers should give better treatment in the teaching-learning process. And one of the methods used by linguistic to anticipate the errors appearing in the process of learning English is Error Analysis.
This, to solve the problem, it is advisable that the writer conducts an are of students' errors in learning English. Based on the result of the student out the causes or sources of the errors, so that the errors or problems can be simple figured out. And one of the problems faced by the Indonesian students is pronoun composition in English. It has been chosen by the writer as the topic of her thesis because a lot of students often make mistakes and errors in building their compositions. It means that they haven't understood yet about how to make a good composition in English.
In this study, the writer chooses the composition which is taught in Junior high school 2 of Dukuh Waru. The writer with her limited ability tries to analyze the errors made by the students and looks for the way to overcome them. And this study is entitled " AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE COMPOSITIONS OF TIIE TI-[IRU YEAR STUDENTS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2 DUICUHWARU TEGAL".

1.2    Literature Review
There are some researchers who have conducted the study of error analysis. Among others are Ana Dyah Retno Asri and Muharnmad Razi. Ana Dyah Retno Asri studied the case of error analysis entittled "Syntactical Error Analysis of Writing Personal Letters Made by the Third Grade Students of SMEA Muhammadiyah Gemolong Sragen in 1996". In the study, she describes the techniques of writing friendly letter and emphasizes on the types of syntactical errors only. And based on her data analysis, most errors made by the students are some transformation. She adds that the errors caused by the lack of students' understanding in using some transformation like in negative transformation, question transformation, and another transformation. Muhammad Razi in "Error Analysis in Writing Narrative Made by Second Year Students of SMU Muhammadiyah IV of Surakarta 1997-1998", anah7xs the structure's errors then classify the factors which cause the students in writing narrative. In this study, he emphasizes the case of writing includes: stage of writing characteristic of good writing, elements of paragraph, kinds of paragraph. And the result of his data analysis shown that the students are not able to make a good narrative. The research indicated that the result of the students' writing is not perfect. Most of the errors in writing narrative committed by the second years students of SMU Muhammadiyah IV Surakarta are on syntax, they are: addition (addition of to be, addition of verb, addition of adverb), omission (omission of to be, verb, adverb, construction, and words order). Then, he concludes that the most important factor influencing the ability of students to make a good narrative is vocabulary mastery. The result of his research is that the students' writing indicates that the Students are not able to develop their English into good narrative.

1.3    Research Problems
The problems stated in this thesis are:
a.       What type of errors are appeared on the students' compositions?
b.       What are the dominant errors at the level of making composition in English made by the third year students of Junior high school 2 Dukuhwaru Tegal"
c.        What are the sources of errors appear in the students' compositions?

1.4    The Objectives of the Study
Based on the problem, of the study mentioned above, the writer has the following objective:
a.       To know tile type of errors appeared on the students' compositions.
b.       To know the dominant errors made by the third year students of Junior High School 2 Dukuhwaru Tegal
c.        To know that there might be the sources of errors on students' compositions.

1.5    The Benefits of the Study
The writer hopes that this thesis will have significance in relation to English teaching and learning :
a.       The finding of the thesis will be useful for English teacher to pay more attention on the teaching of English composition as well as to guide and motivate the students in learning it
b.       The result will help the students understand and reduce their errors in using English words on their composition.
c.        The writer hopes the result of this study will be useful for improving the students achievements in using English words on their composition correctly.
d.       The English teacher will be able to overcome the' students' errors on their compositions.
e.        The learners of English get some information about how to make a good English compositions.

1.6    Paper Organization
This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter contains background of the study, literature review, research problems, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and paper organization.
Chapter II consists underlying theory. This chapter discusses error consisting of error analysis, types of errors, and sources of errors followed by their components.
Chapter III is about research method. It covers type of research, population, sample, and sampling, The Elicitation technique is in the following part. It discusses the technique of collecting the data used by the researcher. The method of analyzing data is the last part.
Chapter IV describes data analysis and discussion. The first part explains the data collection followed by data analysis. Discussion the results 01' the research are written in the last part of chapter IV.
Chapter V is the last chapter. It contains conclusions and suggestions.


Allen, J. P. B and Corder, S. Pit. 1978. Techniques in Applied Linguistics. London: Oxford University Press.

Arikunto, S., DR. 1996. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Brown, H. Douglas. 1.980. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

Corder, S. Pit. 1973. Introducing Applied Linguistics. Harmondsworth: Penguin Education.

Corder, S. Pit. 1981. Error Analysis and Interlanguage. London.: Oxford University Press.

Croft, Kenneth. 1988. Reading on English as L2. Cambridge: Winthrop Publisher, Inc.

Dulay-Burt M., Heidi and Krashen, S. 1982. Language Two. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Inc.

James, Carl and Candlin, C. N. 1998. Errors in Language Learning and Use: exploring error analysis. London: Addisin Weslwy Longman.

Larsen- Freeman, Diane and Long, Michael H. 1991. An Introduction of Second Language Acquisition. USA: Longman Inc., New York.

Richards, C. Jack. 1974. Error Analysis. London: Longman Group Limited.

Richards, C. Jack. 1974. The Context of Language Teaching. Logman Cambridge University Press.

Roberts, H. William and Turgeon, Gregoire. 1989. About Language. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Vockell, L. Edward. 1983. Educational Research. London: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

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