Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012




A.      Background of the Study
Literature is a world. It represents a life similar to ones life in the world. It has various of character and various characters of various types of person cents almost like in the real world. Experience in life such as joy, sorrow, greed, regret, all colors and tastes of life can be find in literature.
A great variety of story can be brought up in literature. Some story are about the war , some others are about love and marriages, and still others are about family heritage and so on. Among these, gender and sexuality are themes that are often dealt with in literature.
Agatha Christie is known throughout the world as the queen of crime. Her seventy-four detective novels have been translated into every major language , and her sales are calculated in the tens of million. She has been writing since the end of the world war, when she created Hercule Poirot The Little Belgian detective with the egg-shapped head and the passion for order- the most popular sleuth in fiction since Sherlock Homes. Poirot and her other detectives have also appeared in many of the films, radio programs.
Besides being a detective writer , Agatha Christie has written six romantic novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott, several plays and a book of poems. Her novels are The Murder Of Roger Acroyd (1926), The Murder on The Vicarage (1930), Lord Edgware Dies (1933), Death On The Nile (1937), And Then Were None (1939), The Moving Finger (1942), Cooked House (1949), A murder is Announced (1950), A Pocket Full of Rye (1953), Ordeal by Innoncence (1958).
One of her popular novels is Murder On The Orient Express (MOTOE). In this novel Agatha Christie describes about a woman as a mother that can not accept the death of her grand child . A woman named Mrs Hubbard who has planning to kill the murder of her grand child.
In some experiences she has got some tragic evens, begins from when her grand child who died in this tragedy, but her daughter is expecting another child, following the shock of the discovery, she gives birth to a dead child, born prematurely and herself died. Her son in law broken is hearted and shot himself. By the death of her daughter family, Hubbard wants to kill the murder that makes her grand child dies.
The writer of the thesis is interest in analyzing the second character of the novel in doing her action, how her daughter family dead makes her as a killer and changes her behavior and personality. The behavioral psychology approach will be appropriated as the tool of analyzing this novel.

B.      Literature Review
In analyzing this thesis the writer has tried to find out other analysis about this novel. So far this object of this study has not been analyzed yet. In the present the writer finds same discussion about the novel from Agatha Christie's MOTOE from library journal.

C.      The Problem of The Study
The major problem of the study is how does the past experience influence the future action in Agatha christie's Murder On The Orient Express.

D.      Research Objective
The objectives of the study one as follows :
1.       The study aims at analyzing the novel based on its structural elements.
2.       The study also aims at analyzing the behavior of the second character based on behavioral psychology .

E.       The Benefit of Study
The benefit expected for the study are as following :
1.       Institutional Benefit
The result of the study is expected that it is beneficial to the world of literature and to be compliment to the study of Agatha Christie's Murder on The Orient Express.
2.       Practical Benefit
The writer expects that the study is dedicated to the compliment and development of literary study , particularly to among student of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta who have interest in the literary study .

F.       Research Method
In analyzing MOTOE a psychological approach the writer used the qualitative method .
1.       Research Object
The research object in this study is the second character and her behavior in Agatha Christie's Murder On The Orient Express.
2.       Data Source
The study uses library data, which are classified into two categories primary and secondary data. The primary data are the text of Murder On The Orient Express, where as the secondary data include particularly the references of literary, of some books on criticism and psychology of literature.
3.       Method of The Data Collection
The Method of The Data Collection in this study is library research. The study colect and records the primary data in a short of document used as evidence.
4.       Technique of Data Analyzing
The technique of data analysis in this study are descriptive, for example: the interpretation of the text and content analysis, the using of deduction and induction.

G.      Paper Organization
The research is going to be organized into five chapters. Chapter One is introduction that consist of background the study, problem of the study, objective of the study, benefit of the study, research method, and paper organization.
Chapter Two is the underlying theory, behavior psychology that will be used to analyze the novel. Chapter Three will present structural analysis of kgatha Christie's Mrs Hubard. Chapter Four the analyzing and discussion are presented. Chapter Five deals with conclusion and suggestion.


Barnet, Sylvan. et. al. 1975. An Introduction to Literature. Boston : little Brown and Company.

Christie, Agatha, 1934, Murder on The Orient Express, Fontana Books.

Davidoff, Linda L (edited by Juniati) 1983. Psikologi Suatu Pengantar, Jakarta, Erlangga.

Deese, James , 1963. General Psychology , Boston . All Yin. Inc.

Feist Jess E, Theories ofPersonality, CBS College Publishing. Gordon Jesse E, 1963, Personality and Behavior, The Macmillan, Company, New York.

Hall, Calvin's and Lindzey, Gardner, 1993. Psikologi Kepribadian 3, Teori "Sifat dun Behavioristik, Yogyakarta, Kanisius.

Hjelle, Carry A, Daniel J. Ziegler, 1976, Personality Theories, McGraw – Hill Kogakusha, LTD.

Hall's Calvin, Lindzey, Gardner, 1978, Theories of the Personality, New York, John Willey and Sons, Inc.

Kimble, Gregory . 1963 . Principle of General Psychology. New York : The Ronald. Press Company. 1963.

Kuswara, E. 1991, Teori-teori Kepribadian, Bandung PT ERESCO.

Lindsmith, Alfred R & Anselin . L. Strauss. 1956. Social Psychology. Chicago : Holt Tinehart Winston.

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