Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012




A.      Background of the Study
A name becomes a fatal name, but more important than the name is the idea as shown in, the character and action. The name is important, it can considerably change e life of the character that bears that name, and also can place everyone in a different place.
The people in the upper class are very proud of their name and their class, so that usually insult people who come from another class through the name but since the name means being serious it has an important part in the upper class. This could be seen in England, at the late of the nineteenth century. The society was influenced by Victorian values; there was a contrast between the classes unrest with related move towards change and the affirmation of values and standards. The age was characterized as optimism and a sense that everything would continue to expand and improve. The differences between the classes in the society, the middle and the upper class, when they considered the name, it made some conflicts and impacts n the people's way of life an that time, For example the name Jack is not agreeable to the upper class, but Earnest is very agreeable because there is something in that inspires that inspires absolute confidence but Jack is the domesticity Mme for ohn that has only a little music in that name. The Importance of Being Earnest appeared in the society as being described above. The principal name was the object of the play.
The Importance of Being Earnest is probably the most popular of Oscar Wilde’s play. It was his best and most brilliant work, written in 1894 and produced on February 14,1895. Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Willa Wilde, an Irish writer, was born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin, Ireland. In the 1890, Wilde began a short but brilliant career as dramatist with such a great success beginning with his first comedy, Lady Windermere's Fan produced on February 20, 1892. The other works of him were Salome (1893), A Woman of No Importance (1893), An Ideal Husband (1895), De Prafundis  (1897) and his last product in 1898 was his best poem The Ballad of Reading Goal. Two years later on November 30, 1900 he died as a Roman Catholic in Paris, France.
The Importance o,(Being Earnest can be classified into a comedy. A comedy is a form of dramatic literature designed to amuse and correct or instruct through ridicule. It generally ends happily. (Holman, 1978: 363).
The controversial attitude of Oscar Wilde does not only appear at the way of dressing up and behavior, but also on the way of thinking. Oscar Wilde's idea was contrary with the norm and value in the time. The Victoria's society that was well known because of its conservative attitude and revere the morality, such as moral seriousness, earnest, eminent, propriety and virtue (Ambrams 1962: 643) only became the ridicules and criticism of the younger generation as Oscar Wilde. The young generation thought that the value was conservative and narrow-minded (Abrams, 1961: 641). In The Importance of Being Earnest (1895), Oscar Wilde critics and also makes the Victoria moral values as a joking and ridicules.
In The Importance of Being earnest, Oscar Wilde makes allusions to the moral value of mid-Victorian that full of pretending tease, dishonesty and deceit. All of them are revealed by interesting dialogues, smart, ridicules and, of course, funny and entertain. The researcher is interested in analyzing the dramatization by revealing the phenomenon about the moral values in Victorian society as a sociological study.

B.      Research Problem
In The Importance of Being Earnest, the social condition when Oscar Wilde wrote it was pictured clearly. The principal of name had influenced the social manner especially in the upper class. Oscar Wilde wrote how his society was through The Importance of Being Earnest. Thus, the problem in this writing is how Oscar Wilde's world view in the moral values behind the importance of being Earnest in the mid of Victorian society.

C.      Research Objectives
The objectives of this writing are as follows :
1.       To find the structural elements of The Importance of Being Earnest written by Oscar Wilde
2.       To identify the relation between the structure of The Importance of Being Earnest to the social condition of England in the late of the nineteenth century

D.      Research Benefit.
The benefits of this writing are as follow:
1.       The reader can understand 'The Importance of Being Earnest easily
2.       The thesis motivates the reader, researcher, and others in analyzing plays
3.       The thesis can give information  about the importance of a name.
4.       The reader knows Oscar Wilde's worldview, which is reflected in The Importance of Being Earnest.

E.       Research Method
1.       Type of Research
This study is to describe Oscar Wilde's worldview reflected in The Importance of Being Earnest, the type of this research is descriptive qualitative research.
2.       Source of Data
The writer defines the source of the data into primary source and secondary source. The primary data are the text of The Importance of Being Earnest, consisting of dialogues, the scenario of the play. Secondary data includes the material about Oscar Wilde, the theory of sociology and other books that supporting the analysis.
3.       Data Collecting Technique
The writer uses document in which she relates what Oscar Wilde's wrote in The Importance of Being Earnest to the book which is relevant in studying the sociological study. Those books include "The Rout ledge History of Literature in English", when the play was written, the book of the play An Introduction to Drama, and the theoretical book of Sociological Study.
In studying the Importance of Being Earnest, the writer takes some step, they are:
a.       Reading the drama repeatedly after looking for material of criticism.
b.       Taking notes of important in both primary and secondary data.
c.        Classifying the data, into some categories.
d.       Selecting them by rejecting the irrelevant information that  doesn't support the topic of the study.
4.       Data Analyzing Technique
In analyzing the data, the present writer uses two kinds of technique. First, descriptive techniques i. e. the present writer has to make an interpretation of the text. Second, is content analysis i.e. the present the writer has to dig some information, stated implicitly within text. The first way is to analyze the structural elements of the drama, At the other way is to analyze the construction of the author worldview, by underlying  and discovering the idea beneath the textual context description and by crossing the interpretation the present writer with Britain historical background of the society in the late of nineteenth century.

F.       The Outline of the Paper
in order to present a vivid description about the study to the readers, the writer has divided her thesis into -five chapters, namely: Chapter one is the introduction which consists of the background of the study, the problem statement the purpose of the study significant of study, the research methodology and thesis organization. Chapter two emphasizes on the theoretical approach that covers background of the theory of genetic structuralism by Lucien Goldman. Chapter three deals with the Background of English Society, The Background of Oscar Wilde. Chapter four is 'Me Structural Analysis and Discussion of the play, Chapter five is the sociological analysis of The importance of Being Earnest. Chapter six is the conclusion and suggestion.


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