Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012




1.1    Background of the Study
Nowadays, communication development shows significant improvement. Many electronic media offer various alternatives to communicate with others. Nonetheless, language remains to hold an important role in interacting with others. Language also forms reflection of their culture and trend. This phenomenon is studied in linguistics and this is in accordance with what Hughes says, “Linguistics is a set of science which is got from application of science method to the language phenomena” (1968:11).
Chaer and Agustina (1995:2) add that as communication and interaction tools which are only owned by human, language is studied in internal and external section. Internal section, among other things, are the phonology structure, morphology structure, and syntaxes structure but external section includes subjects or factors outside language but going together with the use of that language by the speaker in social groups.
Indonesia has one national language. Indonesian and all kinds of vernaculars according to its origin districts. Besides that, Indonesians also use International language (English) under certain condition. Young people like to switch their language into English. This can be influenced by social, register, education, trend, environment or some important purposes. Thus, they speak two languages in one speech, which is called bilingualism.
Bilingualism cannot be separated from code-switching because both of them use two different languages. Code-switching forms a branch study of sociolinguistics besides bilingualism, diglosia, code-mixing, interference, etc. It is called codeswitching when somebody speaks one language and than he or she switches into another language in the middle of his or her utterances.
Usually we speak with two languages and mix them spontaneously but it still contains certain purposes. That every word that has been spoken own certain meaning is the reason why they switch their language. The main goal of codeswitching is to convey messages or information from speaker to listener directly and to make good communication between them.
One ways of communication is trough electronic media. Although it is not a sort of direct (face-to-face) interaction, electronic media may give many other advantages, such as higher speed of sending message by hand phones, giving more information to many people by television, or possibility of interaction with foreign countries by the Internet (2Dimension). Besides that, a familiar and widespread communication device is radio. In Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, it is stated that “Radio is a process of sending and receiving messages, etc through the air by electrical waves” (1995:340)
A message can be accepted by a listener nicely if the communication runs well from the speaker, the media, and also the listener himself. This also happens in radio broadcasting where the communication is composed of three components, i.e. announcer, radio as a medium, and listeners. All of them make a good communication although there is almost no direct feedback from listeners especially when an announcer only speaks without having interactive live phone call with listeners.
When announcers speak during broadcasting they often use more than one language to express their idea, feeling, or opinion of something and also to interact with listeners in interactive talk by phone. They are bilingual by switching their language into another language almost in every broadcasting. In most private radio stations like RCT FM Semarang, whose target is young people, announcers usually switch Indonesian into foreign language, which is usually English. It is done because of factors, which serve as the background of their switching act, and it has some functions, as well. According to the explanation above, the writer chooses a title that can deputise that phenomenon, i.e. The Analysis of Code-Switching Cool Jockey’s Utterances in RCT FM Semarang.
1.2    Reasons for Choosing the Topic
The writer is interested in analyzing this phenomenon because of the following reasons:
a.       RCT FM Semarang is a private radio in Semarang whose primary target is young people enthusiastic to improve their English.
b.       We can find more utterances and/ or words that are inserted intentionally by the announcer from Indonesian into English in RCT FM Semarang.
c.        From code-switching act, we can know more vocabulary of English and give more knowledge from the intention of somebody of our speeches or utterances.
1.3    Statement of the Problem
Based on all of the explanation above, the writer wants to conduct a research, which is relevant to theme and title. The limits of the problems are:
1.       What code-switching is found in cool jockey’s utterances on Morning Star program in RCT FM Semarang?
2.       What are the functions of code-switching in cool jockey’s utterances on Morning Star program in RCT FM Semarang?
1.4    Objective of the Study
In this research, the writer would like to achieve the objectives of the study. The objectives of this study are:
1.       to describe the form of code-switching of Cool Jockey’s utterances in RCT FM Semarang’s program.
2.       to explain the function of code-switching in RCT FM Semarang’s program.
1.5    Significance of the Study
This thesis is expected by the writer to be useful for:
1.       the announcers of RCT FM Semarang as subject in the broadcasting. It can give positive contribution in their language skills.
2.       the writer and readers, especially UNNES Languages and Arts Faculty students who learn sociolinguistics. The writer hopes code-switching will be understood more clearly.
1.6    Outline of the Study
This study is divided into chapters and subchapters. Chapter one is the Introduction, consisting of the background of the study, reason for choosing the topic, statement of the problem, objective of the study and the outline of the study. Second chapter contains the theoretical foundation. It discusses theories underlying the writing of the study.
Third chapter contains method of investigation, consisting of reviews of the previous research, metaphoric process in literature; explanation of language function, definition of communication, bilingualism, all about code-switching, brief description of RCT FM Semarang. Fourth chapter covers the main discussion of the study: it is the analysis of code-switching in the private radio in Semarang by cool jockeys. The last chapter comprises conclusions and suggestion going together with subject matters and appendices. The Bibliography and Appendices are enclosed in last pages of the final project.


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