of the Study
Every human being needs environment to defend his
life. Their relationship must be good if he wants to be alive. However man's
power means nothing if compared with the world's power which is so great.
Sometimes it could be so cruel or unfair because it goes by itself without
considering one's fate. Frequently man makes sacrifice to face it. Therefore
man should have patience, persistence, determination, perseverance and high self-confidence.
Meanwhile, man has been given a brain to think, so he can find the solution of
his problem. He is also given a feeling of humanity, in order to love and help other
Many human beings have different ways in showing their
feeling of humanity. Some of them are showing their sympathy by helping poor
people. While the others are donoring their blood to people who need it. This
efforts are reflected in humanitarianism. According to Rumes (1963: 56),
humanitarianism is any view which rates interests in human values as control
issue and any moral or social program that seeks to listen suffering and
increase welfare of human beings. While Crane (1961: 544-548) says that
humanitarianism has been chiefly directed toward preventing physical cruelly to
man or animals. In principle, humanitarianism comes from the interest of human
beings, that need to have proper and happy life, to lessen sufferings, to give
protecticicism and to inenoss human beings welfare which are sorts of efforts
to make that idea become reality.
John Lennon, a famous composer and singer, is not just
an entertainer but also a man who has responsibility to life and condition
around him. He wants the world become a better place for living. Using his
capability and. his fame, he tries to bring his mission to people through his
A song is built up with words which are chosen and
arranged with melody in such away, consciously or unconsciously arouses the
listener's emotion. In creating songs, the writer has various purpose's in relation
to the audience. They can merely be an entertainment to the audience and also
and appeal to them to do something or even to influence them to react to
something happening. Through the song, John Lennon is not only expressing his
feeling but also appeal the audience to do something.
In his song Imagine which is very
popular, he appeals to people to imagine that they are living in life and
peace. He hopes that they are not only imagine but also do something to make
this world a better place for living without war. Most of his songs have
similar themes which speak of love, peace, woman, children and brotherhood of
man. He has never been away from a dream to make a peace among human beings,
other creatures, and a better place for living to all creatures. In other
words, he has, in effect, a humanitarianism spirit which manifests in his
All kinds of song are usually built up with these four
elements such as rhythm, melody, harmony and tone color. Their roles in a song
are to back up a lyric of a song and to give such an effect which arouses the
audience's emotion.
A song's lyric is a group of words which are embodied
with an idea and arranged into some stanzas. The words chosen can be poetic
words, colloquial words or other kinds of words. However, in principle, those
words are chosen to present the song writer's expression and it can be
understood by the listener, so they can get the song writer's message. From the
phenomena above the writer is interested in studying the word's style used by
the song writer in John Lennon's songs.
The study about humanitarianism spirit in song has
been conducted by Ni Luh Putu Rosiandini. She focuses on humanitarianism spirit
in Michael Jackson's songs. She analyzes three songs of Michael Jackson, that is,
Heal the World, We Are the World and Black or White.
In this study, the writer wants to focus on
humanitarianism spirit in John Lennon's songs by using socio cultural and new
critical approach.
The major problem in this study is how do the
humanitarianism spirit influence in John Lennon's songs.
of the Study
Since the description of humanitarianism elements are
found in John Lennon's songs, the purpose of analyzing John Lennon's songs is
primarily to study about humanitarianism spirit in his songs. In order to get a
basic comprehension of the song in which the words have an important role in
building up the lyrics of song and developing the ideas of the song writer.
of the Study
The study is expected to be able to give some benefits, they are :
give a clear description about humanitarianism spirit in John Lennon's songs.
readers can hopefully attain clear explanation in appreciating someone's works,
especially John Lennon and the song writer.
A song is built up with words which are chosen and
arranged with melody, in such away, consciously or unconsciously arouses the
listener emotion. Song is also arranged with a meaningful words or sentences.
The words chosen can be poetic words, colloquial words or other kinds of words.
Humanitarianism is any view which rates interests in
human values control issue, and any moral or social program that seeks to
lessen suffering and increase welfare of human beings. Based on the knowledge,
the -Writer uses new critical approach to analyze words of the lyric
and sociocultural approach to find the sociocultural context in the lyrics of
the songs.
According to Abrams (1971), the principles of the new
criticism are basically verbal, that is, literature conceived to be a special
kind of language. Whose attributes are defined by systematic opposition to the
language of science and of logical discourse, and the key concepts of this
criticism deal with the meanings and interactions of words, figures of speech,
and symbols.
Descriptive analysis is consideration of anything in
its separate parts and their relation to each other containing description.
This study is a descriptive research. A research is
called descriptive if the researcher is just collecting the data, analyzing the
data and drawing the conclusion.
and Source of Data
In this study, the writer uses song as an object of this
analysis. The data is taken from all lyrics of John Lennon's songs in his album
The whole subject of the research are called population. Then
the population of this research is all lyrics of John Lennon's songs which are
concerns with humanitarianism.
The sample of this study is John Lennon's songs which are
concerns with humanitarianism. The writer would like to take 5 songs from his
album Imagine.
The sampling techniques used by the writer is purposive
sampling. It means that she just takes some of songs as the sample. She takes 5
songs from John Lennon's songs in his album Imagine which are concerns
with humanitarianism.
of Collection Data
The technique which is used to collect the data is
documentation. As stated before, in this research the data are taken from all
lyrics of John Lennon's songs in his album Imagine. Then the writer
analyzes the themes of the songs by using new critical approach and
sociocultural approach. Besides that, to provide the knowledge which is needed
in making an analysis of the subject matter, the writer does library research.
of Data Analysis
The data analysis is conducted after all lyrics of John
Lennon's songs as intended data are collected from the data source the text of
song. The first step is listening to the album of John Lennon. The second is
reading and learning all sentences from text of the song. The next step is then
analysing the data by using sociocultural and new critical which is used to
find the sociocultural context and analysing the words in the lyrics of the
songs. The last is making conclusion from the result of analyzing data.
Paper Organization
To make easier in understanding of the research paper,
the writer devides this research paper into five chapters :
Chapter I is introduction which contains background of
the study, literature review, research problem, objective of the study,
benefits of the study, underlying theory, research method and paper
Chapter II is underlying theory, this chapter deals
with the sketch of John Lennon, the concept of humanitarianism, sociocultural
and new critical.
Chapter III is research method, this chapter covers,
type of research, data and source of data, population, sample, sampling,
technique of collection data and technique of data analysis.
Chapter IV is the result, this chapter concerns with
data analysis and the diction.
Chapter V is conclusion, this is the last chapter of
the research paper which involves conclusion and suggestion.
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lennon and humanity.com/www.google.com
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