Background of the Study
To some extent all human beings have some certain
characteristics. They have both good and evil characters. Nobody is perfect, literature is created for giving an
entertainment to the reader although we can find some massages there. Literature is a kind of mirror of the social
condition where the works is produced, including the author's lives. An author
created literature such as novel, play or poem to tell about her or his own
life. An intelligent author can tell his or her experience in a good way. Emily
Bronte, for example, tells her own experience well, she can raise the emotion
of the readers.
Emily Bronte, one of the Victorian writers, wrote Wuthering
Heights to criticize the society of the Victorian period. She got a lot of
experiences in her own life that might support her novel. As a work of art, Wuthering
Heights is a unique novel. Unlike novels in general, it ignores society.
The pressure of the portrait of life found in it is not on society and social
life values, but on individuals with their attitudes toward life. This is a
rare case in the world of literature. Usually many novelists focus their
attention to societies and their norms. Frequently they take the portrait of
life with its values from the social life like politics, religions, social
ethnic and many others. Emily Bronte is different. She has her own point of
view. She draws the values of human beings from their individuals of her
novels. Although Wuthering Heights ignores societies, it does not lose
its power of the good, the truth and the beauty.
Another interesting point of Wuthering Heights is the values or the moral significance it contains. The
characters are evil characters. Heathcliff as the central figure of the story
has a cruel figure. He is very sadistic
in taking his revenge on his enemies. Catherine is not much different from
Heathcliff. She is a selfish and ambitious woman. And the author will show the
values or moral to us through this evil character.
Based on those characters, it is assumed that there
must be any influence of the author because the author has a close relationship
to the work, such as indicated by Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. The
writer is interested in understanding Me reh6on based on the psychological
Limitation of the Problem
In this study the writer limits herself on the
analytic psychology of Sigmund Freud. The application of the theory gives
emphasis on how the psychology of the author influences the characters that she
Problem Statement
The major problem of this study is how far the
author's psychology influences the novel characters.
Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is to analyze the novel
using structural analysis id psychological analysis.
Research Significance
The benefits expected from the study are as follow :
1. The results of this study give such contribution to the broader body of
knowledge, particularly the literary study.
The study is also expected to
give contribution to the writer's personal interest in psychoanalysis.
Research Method
1. The Technique of Data Collection
The data
collection is done through library research. In collecting data, the writer
uses two sources, namely primary sources and secondary sources.
A primary data source is Emily
Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights.
Secondary data source are :
Books about the author
Books about Psychology theory
Books about literary review of
Emily Bronte and some other books related to this thesis.
In doing the analysis, the writer does some steps,
they are
Read and understand the whole
story in the novel.
Read the related references that
can support the novel.
Take notes on the relevant
information for the analysis.
Classify the collected data into
some categories relate to the theory
2. The Technique of Data Analysis
The technique of
data analysis is descriptive and hermeneutic.
Literature Review
There are many writers who conduct researchers on Wuthering
Heights; namely ; Charles Percy Sanger, David Cecil, Inga Stina Ewbank,
John K. Marthison, Carl R. Wooddring and Mary Visick. Their criticism is
collected in Essay in Criticism. Sanger and Ewbank analyze the structure of Wuthering
Heights. Ewbank is analysis more detailed; she analyzes The structure
and pattern of the whole novel; while Singer gives emphasis on the theme.
In addition he also describes the chronology of Wuthering Heights, in The
Structure of Wuthering Heights, David Cecil's, Emily Bronte and
Wuthering Heights, give focus on her spiritual principle playing on
different part in Wuthering Heights. Matison in The Power of
Wuthering Heights. Emphasized on the second narrator of Wuthering
Heights, Nelly Dean. Yeni Saraswati, analyzes the attitude of Heathcliff as
the major character in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights by using
psychological analysis. Lilik Untari focuses on Catherine Earnshaw in which,
she analyzes how Emily Bronte describes the woman position and role in England
in the nineteenth century.
However, no writer has conducted a research on Emily
Bronte's work based on Psychoanalysis. That is why the present writer wants to
examine Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights based on the psychoanalysis.
Research Paper Organization
This research paper will be divided into six chapters.
The first is introduction, which contains the background of the study,
limitation of the problem, problem statement, objective of the study, research
significance, research method, literature review, and research paper organization.
The second, chapter presents the psychological theory. The third is the social
historical background about the author's life. The fourth presents the
structural analysis, the fifth is the psychological analysis, and the last
presents the conclusion and suggestion.
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