Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012




A.      Background
As the requirement to achieve the diploma degree, the student of Diploma Program of English Department has to write a final project based on the job training that is conducted in the last semester. The writer had conducted the job training in Radya Pustaka Museum by the period of January to February 2005.
Solo which is also known as "Surakarta Hadiningrat" is one of the most interesting destinations in Central Java which has a thriving tourist industry supported by six surrounding regencies, Sragen, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Klaten, Sukaharjo and Boyolali. Each of them has many attractions, business centers, sports, and natural point of interest. Solo is also rich of many cultural heritages.
One of the greatest tourist attractions in Solo is its museum. Eventhough, there are plenty of Museums. In Solo regency such as Suaka Budaya Museum, Pura Mangkunegaran, Wuryoningratan Gallery, Monument Pers Museum, the only museum that is considered as the second oldest museum in Indonesia is the Radya Pustaka Museum (established on 28 October 1890). The characteristic of each museum is dependent on -its collections and Radya Pustaka Museum as one of the tourist attraction in Surakarta has many collections of historical heritages.
Nowadays, Radya Pustaka Museum also develops as an informal media that works closely with formal education such as elementary schools, secondary schools, and universities to help students, teachers, lecturers, and even researchers to broaden some fields of education.
Radya Pustaka Museum as one of the information centers needs to reveal the, problem that is kept in the reverse side of the collections. On this condition, the museum's function is not just as the collection keeper and conservator but also for striving the development of the informal communication media. The visitor's satisfaction is truly suspended to the role of guides. However, during the process of leading and guiding the guides still made many mistakes and had encountered many difficulties. Therefore, the achievement of a qualified guiding service cannot always be conducted.
The writer has some reasons to choose Radya Pustaka Museum as the place of job training. They are:
1.       Radya Pustaka Museum has a big potential as a tourist attraction in Surakarta and it is also considered as the second oldest museum in Indonesia
2.       Radya Pustaka Museum has many collections of cultural heritages.
3.       The writer can practice and improve the English speaking skill by doing a guiding process to the foreign visitors directly.
4.       The writer wants to improve more knowledge of the Javanese historical collections.
5.       The writer wants to observe and describe the difficulties encountered by Radya Pustaka guides and the strategies in improving the guiding service quality in Radya Pustaka Museum.
Based on the situation above, the writer attempts to identify and to give a general description of causes of the difficulties encountered by the Radya Pustaka Museum guides. On this final project, the writer will only describe about the difficulties encountered by Radya Pustaka Museum guides and the strategies that can be applied by the Radya Pustaka Museum guides in order to improve the guiding service quality. The title of this final project is "THE DIFFICULTIES OF GUIDES IN RADYA PUSTAKA MUSEUM."

B.      Problem Statements
Based on the description of the background and previous reasons, the problem statements of the report are:
1.       What are the difficulties encountered by guides in Radya Pustaka Museum?
2.       What are the strategies in improving the guiding service quality in Radya Pustaka Museum?

C.      Objectives
Based on the problem statements, the objectives of the report are:
1.       To know the difficulties encountered by guides in Radya Pustaka Museum.
2.       To know the strategies in improving the guiding service quality in Radya Pustaka Museum.

D.      Benefits
1.       For the Reader
This report can be used as a contribution to the readers in understanding the, difficulties of guides in Radya Pustaka Museum.
2.       For Radya Pustaka Museum
This report can be used as a contribution to the Radya Pustaka Museum especially for its guides in order to improve the quality of service.
3.       For The Writer
The writer will have a description about the guiding technique applied by the guides in Radya Pustaka Museum and its difficulties.

E.      Report Organization
The report organization of the report can be seen as follows:
CHAPTER I                               : INTRODUCTION
This chapter contains of background of' the problem, problem statement, objective, benefits, and report organization.
CHAPTER II                              : LITERATURE REVIEW
This chapter contains of the definition of museum, the definition of guide, the museum guiding technique, the history of Radya Pustaka Museum, the description of Radya Pustaka Museum, the collection of Radya Pustaka Museum, the organization structure of Radya Pustaka Museum, the scope of the report.
CHAPTER III                            : METHODOLOGY
This chapter contains of the type of the report, the techniques of data collecting and the techniques of analysis.
CHAPTER IV                            : DISCUSSION
This chapter contains of the Radya Pustaka Museum guides, the guiding technique at Radya Pustaka Museum, the difficulties encountered by Radya Pustaka Museum guides, and the strategies in improving the guiding service quality in Radya Pustaka Museum.
CHAPTER V                              : CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
This chapter contains of conclusion and recommendations.


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Sutaarga, Moh. Xmir. 1990/1991. Sludi Museologia. Jakarta:' Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan. Direktorat Permuseuman. Proyek Pengembangan Permuseuman.

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Yoeti, Oka. A. 1991. Guiding  System, Suatu pengantar Praktis. Jakarta: PT Pradnya Paramita.

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