Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012




A.      Background of the Study
Language is a means of communication. Besides, language is also a system of arbitrary vocal symbol which. permits all people in a given culture, or other people who have learned that culture, to communicate or to interact (Finocchiaro, 1974:31). Through communication, people are easier to interact each other.
Communication is not only found in spoken language. People can combine such means of communication to communicate message or meaning, namely: gestures, body movements, visual signs, scientific symbols, sound and music or dances.
Besides spoken language, we also find many written languages. And nowadays, the presence of written language in the society is becoming more and more essential. We can see how it is used in the field of economy, social, culture, political affairs, communication and education. Written language will always exist in human communication in line with the development of science and technology.
Written language can be found in various media. The media, can be stated as follows, in books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines etc. One of the media that is used to express the idea in written language is newspaper. Newspaper, consist of many kinds information. One of it is advertising.
According to Dunn and Barban (1978: 58) advertising is any paid, non personal communication through various media by business firms, non profit organization, and individuals who are in some way identified in the advertising message and who hope to inform or persuade members of a particular audience. So, the mission of advertising is to persuade men and women to act in a way that will be of advantage to the advertiser.
Advertising is found in printed media, electronic media etc. Here, the writer stresses on the traditional printed media; namely newspaper (Widiastuti, 2001: 27). Then, the object of the research is the English sentences used in car advertisement. On the research, the writer will analyze the English sentences based on the language construction from syntactic perspective.
The followings are examples of car advertisement:
1.       Express Your Confident Personality
The sentence consists of predicate and object. The predicate is `express' while the object is `your confident personality'. The subject of the sentence is New Soluna that is omitted in the structure.
2.       Innovation Takes the Lead
The sentence consists of subject, predicate and object. It also includes in declarative sentence because the sentence gives information to consumers that New BMW 3 Series will give a new innovation that will take it to be the leader.
Then, the writer chooses the title on her research paper A SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE USED IN CARS ADVERTISEMENT.

B.      Literature Review
The writer believes, it is not the first research. There are people who ever wrote about syntactic analysis. The first was Sasmitoadi in 1997 years with the title A Syntactic Analysis of 'Verb Phrase on English Comic Strip in Suara Merdeka Newspaper. He focussed his analysis on verb phrase with problems; to know the kind of verb phrase construction and the number of verb phrase construction used in Comic Strip in Suara Merdeka Newspaper. While the second researcher was Marikha Rahmatul Aliyah, entitled A Syntactic Analysis of English Writing Used on H & R T-Shirt. In the research she analyzed the English writing used on H & R T-Shirt based on the traditional grammar (basic sentence pattern).
Presently, the writer tries to make different research with the title A Syntactic Analysis of English Language Used in Cars Advertisement. On the research, the writer analyzes English sentences used in cars advertisement based on the syntactic perspective. The data are taken from The Jakarta Post, Jawa Pos, Kompas etc.

C.      Research Problem
The research problem that will be discussed on the research paper can be stated as follow: How is advertisement language constructed from syntactic perspective?
D.      Objective of the Study
Based on the research problem mentioned above, the writer has the following objective namely; to describe the language of advertisement construction based on the syntactic perspective.

E.       Benefit of the Study
There are two benefits on studying this:
1.       Theoretical Benefit
On theoretical benefit, the writer hopes that this study can contribute to the science of linguistics, especially in giving description about the language construction viewed from syntactic perspective.
2.       Practical Benefit
On practical benefit, the researcher hopes that this study can improve the students or readers knowledge in understanding the construction of language from syntactic perspective.

F.       Paper Organization
The writer is going to organize this research paper in order to make the readers easy to understand the content of this research. The following parts show the content covered by the research paper.
Chapter I is introduction. It covers background of the study, literature review, research problem, objective of the study, benefit of the study and paper organization.
Chapter II is underlying theory, including review of underlying theories, opinions and theories, which are taken from many books as theoretical review.
Chapter III is research method. It covers type of research, object of the study, technique of collecting data and technique of analyzing data.
Chapter IV is analysis. This chapter concerns with data analysis and discussion of the findings.
Chapter V is conclusion. The writer comes to conclusion and suggestion.


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