Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012




A.      Background of the Research
Reading literature means to gain new insight and experience of life. By doing so, sometimes it is difficult to be understood because it portrays human life and activity through imagination. However, reading literature needs individual's experience to take part and involve him or her in what is happening in literature. As the result, individual gets pleasure and gains both new insight and experience of life easily, presented by literature.
Literature covers all written materials, such as novel, poems, plays, history books, philosophical works, scientific articles, magazine, and newspaper. It is too broad because it includes many things. Jones (1968: 1) states that these written materials are divided into two, informative literature and imaginative literature. The former presents information which deals with facts, explanations, and history of real people. The latter deals with entertainment, such as thoughts and feelings.
Play or drama is one of the imaginative literatures. It expresses the writer's thoughts and feelings in relation to life and human activity. Being a member of society, the writer always finds many problems that occur in his surrounding. On the other hand, sometimes, he also finds himself in his own problems of life. Viewing both society problems and his personal problems inspires him to take account them into a valuable work through literature, such as drama or play. In short, drama or play as one of literary works is a kind of creative media to show off his social sensitivity, dealing with his thoughts and feelings toward the problem exposed in relation to human life and activity.
One of the famous American playwrights and writers was Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953). He was the twentieth century playwright, bringing about revolution in American Drama from 1916 to 1924, that basically dealt with tragedy of the major character. During his career, he produced many literary works, both good plays and bad. His notable works includes The Emperor Jones (1920), The Hairy Ape (1921), Desire Under Elactra (1924), The Great God Brown (1925), Mourning Becomes Electra (1929-1931), The Touch of The Poet (1935-1942), and A Moon for The Misbegotten (1941-1943). Whereas, his failures are Gold (1920), The First Man (1921), The Fountain (1920-1921), welded (1922-1923), Lazarus Laughed (1925-1926), Dynamo (1928), and Days Without End (1932-1933). The most interesting in O'Neill's works both good plays and bad is about personal problems - contradiction in himself and conflicts in his life (The Encyclopedia of Americana, 1978:736}. Fundamentally, his works mainly were psychological.
He enriched his art by an understanding of the new psychology - not simply Freudianism, but the enlarged awareness of all conscious and subconscious realities.
(Bradley etal., 1962: 1115)
His notable work, The Emperor Jones is expressionistic drama written by Eugene O'Neill in 1920. The Emperor Jones reflects his experience in seeking expedition on gold in Honduras, but he did not Let it. Nevertheless, he found the impression of black and frightening forest. The Emperor Jones is simple and meaningful story dealing with a black man who has rich experiences of fear under impact of ritual ceremony. Besides, it presents the history of black race, such as the appearance of slave auction in the nineteenth century. It is clarified in the play as follows:
All are dressed in Southern costumes of the period of the fifties of the last century. They are middle-aged men who are evidently well-to-do planters. There is one spruce, authoritative individual - the AUCTIONEER. There is a crowd spectators, chiefly young belles and dandies who have come to the slave for diversion.

(The Emperor Jones, Scene Five, p. 39)
The Emperor Jones describes mainly fear undergone by the main character, Brutus Jones. He experiences neurotic fear because of conducting something wrong morally in order to fulfil his desires of life. It happens in the jungles of West Indies island where a former Pullman porter and a murderer, Brutus Jones dominates the primitive black natives of the island by proclaiming himself to be the emperor. Assisted by the Cockney trader, Smithers, Jones rules the island in arrogant way. Being arrogant emperor makes the natives revolt on him by holding ritual ceremony or tom-tom - the beating drums to invite the ghost against him. He escapes from the island after Smithers has told him that the natives set rebellion on him. Then, his neurotic fear appears in the forest where he meets up with the ghosts as the victims of his crimes and his past life. Finally, it causes his death.
Fear a close resemblance to anxiety is a kind of threatened and overwhelmed feeling. The appearance of fear relates to individual's bad behavior as the result of the conflicts that arise amona his structures of personality. In psychoanalysis theory, behavior is the result of the struggles and the compromises among motives, drives, needs and conflicts or process of personality. The structures of personality such as id, ego and superego are the main three-basis of Freud's psychoanalysis theory of personality which influence and lead to individual's behavior. Further the discussion about how personality influences behavior in accordance with the appearance of neurotic fear is appropriate to be viewed from psychoanalytic perspective.
The illustration above deals with the problem exposed in The Emperor Jones, namely neurotic fear. It mainly presents the major character's fear from the beginning of the story until the end of the story. Therefore, the writer is interested in conducting research on Eugene O'Neill's The Emperor Jones, dealing with the major character's neurotic fear by using psychoanalytic approach.

B.      Literature Review
The student of Jember University, Isnureni Muji Pangesti has analyzed the play, The Emperor Jones. Her research entitled Fear Leading Failure as the Theme in Eugene O'Neill's The Emperor Jones emphasizes on the theme of the play by discussing the cause and the effect of fear in the connection to the theme of the play.
Further, there is no student of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta who has analyzed The Emperor Jones. Finally, the writer will analyze it especially focussing on the appearance of neurotic fear as the consequence of the major character's behavior by using psychoanalytic perspective.

C.      Problem Statement
The problem exposed in this study is as follows:
How does the personality influence behavior in accordance with the ppearance of neurotic fear?

D.      Objective of the Research
The objective of the research is as follows:
1.       To analyze the structures of Jones' personality from psychoanalytic perspective
2.       To analyze ego defense mechanisms in accordance with the appearance of neurotic fear.

E.       Benefit of the Research
The benefit of the research deals with:
1.       Theoretical benefit is to improve the knowledge in studying literature and give contribution to another researchers who are interested in conducting research on The Emperor Jones.
2.       Practical benefit to fulfil requirement for getting Bachelor of Education in English Department.

F.       Research Method
In this study, the writer uses qualitative research
1.       Research object
The object of the research is the major character of The Emperor Jones.
2.       Data sources
There are two kinds of data sources namely primary data sources and secondary data sources
a.       Primary data sources
The primary data sources are the data taken from the text of The Emperor Jones. It covers such things as words, phrases, sentences, dialogues in the play.
b.       Secondary data sources
The secondary data sources are the data taken from some materials selected in relation with the problem exposed such as criticisms on Eugene O'Neill's works and theories of psychoanalytic approach.
3.       Method of data collection
The method used for collecting the data is library research by collecting and selecting both the primary data source and the secondary data sources.
4.       Technique of data analysis
The technique of analyzing the data is descriptive. It describes the conflicts that arise among the structures of major character's personality and that account for his bad behavior in accordance with the appearance of neurotic fear in Eugene O'Neill's The Emperor Jones by using psychoanalytic approach.

G.      Paper Organization
This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter I is introduction dealing with background of the research, literature review, problem statement, objective of the research, benefit of the research, research method and paper organization. Chapter II presents the underlying theory explaining the assumption of psychoanalytic approach used to analyze the play. Chapter III deals with the structural elements of play consisting of character, characterization, plot, setting, and theme. Chapter IV concerns the analysis of psychoanalytic approach toward the appearance or neurotic fear. Chapter V is the conclusion and the suggestion of the research.


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Http://www/cyber, Tuesday, May 21, 2002.

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