Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012




1.1    General Background of the Study
Brumfit (1981: 1) stated that English is an internationTal language and the most widespread medium of communication, both because of the number and geographical areas of its speakers and because of the large number of non native speakers who use it for part of their international contact. Thus, it is not surprising that the teaching of English is carried out in many parts of the world. For example, our country Indonesia treats English as the first foreign language. English has some important roles in the development of Indonesia, such as it is used as an instrument in developing modern science and technology sources using English in their explanation to help people around the world in learning them. English is one of the international languages used as a means of communication among nations in the world. It is used in international trade, tourism and other important international affairs. Indonesian language is a mother tongue, thus, English language is not used commonly in a daily life by Indonesian people. Therefore, to consider the important role of English, the Indonesian government positions English as the first foreign language.
Realizing the importance of English in our country, many people in Indonesia are learning the language. They learn it for many different purposes such as business, science, technology, and communication and also for  education. Besides having different purposes in learning the language, people also have different sources in learning it. Most of them learn the language in formal education such as: schools, college and universities. In our country, English has been taught as a compulsory subject since the students are in the Junior High School until the University. It is also taught in some Elementary Schools and Kindergartens in Indonesia as local content from now on. In addition to learning the language in formal education, people also learn it in non-formal education. English courses and private lessons are the examples of non-formal education institutions existing in our country. People can choose one of them that are suitable with their purpose and funds. Although they are learning the language from different sources, they have a same basic wish in their learning process that they want to get a success on it in realizing their wish; they use some media that can help them in the learning process. These media can be books, magazines, newspapers, cassettes, radios and also television.
Television is one of the mass media that can also be used as a medium in learning English. Why television? Because it is an interesting and enjoyable medium to learn anything. The audience can learn anything they have not known before watching television, because it always offers something actual and new to them through its programs. As it is mentioned by Vernon S Gerlach / Donald P. Ely (1980:354) “Television is an electronic system of transmitting still and moving images with accompany in sound over a wire or through space. The system employs equip that converts lights and sound into electrical impulses and reconverts them into visible light rays and audible sound”. From the quotation we know that the audience at home can know and learn anything new and actual in the world through television. It is like a magic box that gives something wonderful to its audience through its programs.
As one of the mass media, it gives so many benefits to its audience, such as excitement, information and also knowledge. There are many kinds of knowledge that can be obtained by them by watching television programs, for example knowledge of environment, medicine, law, politic, culture and also language. As it is mentioned on the previous paragraph, television can be used as a medium to learning a foreign language, for example English language. It can happen because television broadcast programs that are broadcast on their television channels. The programs are broadcast everyday on television, from morning until night, of course on specific times. This condition is very useful for the English learners in Indonesia, included the students of the English
Department of Semarang State University because they can use the programs to add their English knowledge. There are many English skills and knowledge that can be learned by the students by watching English TV programs, such as listening, speaking and also knowledge of vocabulary. There are many vocabularies that can be learning by them by watching the programs, because the programs provide so many vocabularies of many different fields. They can learn vocabularies of environment, social life, law, politic, education etc from those programs. It is important for them to have a large vocabulary because of the four English skills such as listening, reading, speaking and writing need a large vocabulary.
Mastering it will help them to improve the other English knowledge, as it is mentioned by Charles B. Jennings (1978: 4): “If you already have an interest in words (vocabulary) using them can improve your reading, writing, talking, and thinking”. From the quotation above, we can take a reference that the basic component, which must be mastered by them to get a success in learning English is vocabulary. They will find some difficulties in their learning process without mastering it, since most learning activities such as listening, reading, thinking and talking need a large and solid vocabulary. As it is stated by Micheal Bennet (1991:63) “Yet everyone, especially the English learners’ need a large vocabulary to succeed in their learning process because reading and listening are the ways they learn”.
The students of English Department of Semarang State University as a part of English learners in Indonesia should also have a large vocabulary. Especially because they will become teachers in the future. As teachers, they should have a good English knowledge because they will teach many students and they should be responsible for their teaching. Moreover, they have a duty to correct the mistakes that have been done by their students during the learning process. Therefore, they really should have a good quality in English correcting the students’ mistakes is not an easy work, since they should know both the source of mistakes itself and the correct form. They can not do this duty, if they have not a good English knowledge. It is really needed by them to become English teachers. Since this profession has a heavy responsibility; both, responsibility for the result and the responsibility for the learning process itself.
Relating to the matter, English students of Semarang State University really must have a good quality in English. They can start to reach it by having a large vocabulary because it helps them to master other English skills. Moreover, it is also helps them in communicating with the teachers, other people and with their students. It is really needed in a communication, as it is mentioned by Canale and Swain in Jack Richard and W. Schmidt (1983: 5) “Communicative competence was understood as the underlying system ofknowledge and skill required for communication, e.g. knowledge of vocabulary and skill in using the sociolinguistics of convention for a given language”. From the quotation above, we know that mastery of the vocabulary of a foreign language is the most required thing for communication. Nasr (1975:57) stated that language is used to communicate ideas and experiences and vocabulary is an element in a language that expresses units in our experiences. Realizing this fact, the writer thinks that English TV programs are good media for the English students’ of Semarang State University to enrich their vocabularies, also expression from those programs. They can get that thing that they do not get in their classes and textbooks. It is good for them to learn English language out of campus because it can help them in their English learning process. Their English will develop better if they also learn it out of  campus. This fact will open their eyes that they should learn from many different sources if they want to get a success in learning English. They can not learn from one source only. Furthermore, learning English out of campus will help them in conducting communication in English, because out of campus they can learn how to practice their English. Moreover they can know that English in daily communication is slightly different from English in the textbooks.
Realizing this fact, learning and listening from people who have a good quality in English is the right way for them to add their English knowledge. They can increase English skills and knowledge, such as speaking and vocabulary by listening them. Listening to the people who have a better speech style, such as lecturers, presenters, teachers and eminent public figures is a good way for them to build a large vocabulary. It is mentioned by Michael Bennet (1991: 63) “That listening to intelligent people or native speakers is another good way to acquire a solid vocabulary”. Furthermore, he stated that the context of spoken language is ever more helpful than of written language. Since it includes body language, facial expression and intonation (stress, pitch and juncture) to help the learners to understand the meaning intended by the speaker (J Michael Bennet, 1991:63).
Based on the statements above, we know that one of the ways in learning vocabulary is by listening to the people who have a better knowledge and speech style than we have. Relating to this matter, English TV Programs are exactly the right media for the students of English Department Semarang State University to enrich their vocabulary. It contains things that fulfill the requirements for a good way in building a rich vocabulary. It also contains spoken language, which is supported by facial expression and also the right intonation of the announcers, actors, and actresses of the programs that condition will help the English students in understanding the words or the sentences that are spoken by them by seeing their factual expression and intonation. In this way, the English students can guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word first before they know exactly the appropriate meaning of the word.
In addition, English TV Programs also help the English Students of Semarang State University to learn the vocabulary in its context. So, they really know how to use the word that exists in the program in daily life. Moreover, they can understand that a word has different meaning according to its context. For example, the word ‘cool’ has different meaning when it is used in music and climax contexts. In the first context it means good or wonderful. Meanwhile, in the second context it means chilly. From this example, we know that context is the most important thing in determining the meaning of a word. It is also helps them in understanding a meaning of an unfamiliar word without looking it up in the dictionary, Albert J. Harris and Edward R. Sibay (1981: 139) mentioned “We can deduce the meanings of many words without looking them up in a dictionary or other word book by studying them in context, in the sentence which they use in a part”. Furthermore, Perrin(1957) also has the same opinion about the meaning of the words, as it is cited by Gray C. Jack (1963:1) that words have meaning only in a particular statements. From the two statements above, we can conclude that two better ways to understand the meaning of words are by studying them in their context and studying them in a particular statement. Relating to the matter, the writer considers that English TV programs are really good media for the students of the English Department of Semarang State University to learn vocabulary in their contexts, so they will not get a difficulty in choosing words in conducting communication in English.
In this thesis, the writer wants to discuss the significant correlation between the students’ activity in watching English TV programs and their vocabulary mastery. She takes the fourth semester English students of Semarang State University to be examined because thinks that students in this grade already have enough English knowledge to follow the programs. She considers that the program is a really good program for them in building the vocabulary. She hopes that she can find any significant correlation between two things above because she has a hypothesis that there is a correlation between them. To prove her opinion, then she conducted this research.
1.2    Reason for Choosing the Topic
The following are the reasons of choosing the topic:
1.2.1           The importance of vocabulary mastery for English students.
She realizes that vocabulary mastery in an important thing for English students because a large vocabulary is needed by them to get a success in their English learning process. Although there are four language skills, Such as listening, reading, speaking, writing are started by vocabulary so it is a first thing that English students must be familiar with.
1.2.2           The importance of the context and spoken language in learning the vocabulary.
She considers that context is the first thing that should be noticed by the English students in learning vocabulary. It helps them in using the vocabulary in communication. They will find some difficulties about how to choose an appropriate vocabulary in daily life without understanding the context. Furthermore, she also realizes that spoken language- especially from the people who have good speech style is also a good way to enrich vocabulary. It is good since facial expression, intonation and good performance of the speakers, will help the students in understanding their speech, support it. She considers that English to programs contain those entire things. Moreover, they also contain so many interesting things. Therefore, students will not get boredom in learning vocabulary if they use the program.
Furthermore, she has an opinion that there is a significant correlation between students’ activity in watching English TV program on their vocabulary mastery. So, she chooses this topic in her thesis. The writer wants to know whether there is the significant correlation between students’ activity in watching English TV programs on the student’s vocabulary of English Department of Semarang State University. For the sake of limitation, the writer chooses only the fourth semester students as the subject of the research.
1.3    Assumption and Limitation
In conducting this investigation, the writer has the following assumptions.
1.3.1           A students’ activity in watching English TV programs is indicated by the score of the questionnaires concerning the students’ activity in doing it.
1.3.2           A students’ mastery of vocabulary is indicated by the score of vocabulary test.
1.3.3           The result of this study is only applied to the fourth semester English Department students’ of Semarang State University in the academic year 2006.
1.4    Statements of the Problems
The problems stated in this thesis are:
1.4.1           What does ‘vocabulary’ and ‘vocabulary mastery’ mean?
1.4.2           What types of vocabulary are found in English TV Programs?
1.4.3           Is there any significant correlation between students’ activity in watching English TV programs and their vocabulary mastery?
1.5    Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study are:
1.5.1           To understand what is vocabulary in learning language.
1.5.2           To find out vocabulary types those are found in English TV programs.
1.5.3           To find out whether there is a significant correlation between the students’ activity in watching English TV programs and their vocabulary mastery.
1.6    Significance of the Study
The result of this study will be useful for the readers. Especially for the students of the English Department of Semarang State University. It may provide useful information for them in conducting such a research. In addition, this information can distribute to their knowledge of language research. This study may be helpful for the English Department Students of Semarang State University. It helps them be more alert to their vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, it may help them to understand that vocabulary mastery is an important aspect in language learning. It is a key for them to get a success in their learning language process.
For the writer this thesis gives awareness that vocabulary is an important aspect in language learning. Besides that, this thesis also gives her a view that learning English out of school is very important to the English Department Students of Semarang State University.
1.7    Outline of the Thesis
The outline of the thesis is as follows chapter I contains the introduction covering the background of the study. The reasons for choosing the topic, assumption and limitation, the statement of the problems, the objectives of the study, significance of he study and outline of the thesis. In chapter II, she discusses the theory underlying the writing of her thesis and the hypothesis.
In chapter III, she writes about the method of the investigation. It consists of the population and sample, the variables, the method and procedure of collecting the data, the instruments of the research, the administering of the test, the scoring technique and the method of data analysis. In chapter IV, she presents the research findings, which consists of the data analysis and the discussion of the result.
The last chapter, that is chapter V, contains the conclusions and the suggestions of the research.

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