Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012



A.      Background of the Study
Since a long time ago, in Indonesia there are native or first language, second language and foreign language. The native or first language is the language which is known or learned for the first time when we are children. This language is spoken in daily conversation in our environment or local area. The examples of native language are : Java, Sunda, Batak, etc. Our second language is Indonesian and it is our national language too, while the foreign language in Indonesia is English. English is a foreign language and English is not used as a daily means of communication in Indonesia. English is just taught as a subject matter in formal schools.
In Indonesia to acquire English as a foreign language needs teaching learning process. Nowadays, English has already been formally introduced and taught to the fourth year elementary students. English is needed as a means of communication. Thus, it has been introduced since Elementary School to give an opportunity for students to give the English instruction. Even, some kindergartens in big cities have introduced English as a subject. On the other hand, many informal education institutions and courses are also offering the same program as the formal education.
Language is a means of communication which plays the most important role in human society. It distinguishes man from other creatures, like clearly distinguishing between man and animal, as what Krech (1963: 273) says :
"Man's greatest achievement and the sign that above all others distinguishes him from the great ape is language ... Language makes possible the communication of meanings and sharing of experiences among people, enabling them to form and enduring society and create and transfer a distinctive culture".

By means of language man interacts with others in his society. The real fact that man lives among others makes him melting in many situations in which language is really involved. So, language is something unforgettable and unavoidable which people are connected with. It is quite unreasonable demand on us to leave it.
We are fully aware that English as the greatest international language has come to the front rapidly in the last century. The government program in education and culture department will improve the role of Indonesia in international affairs. English is not only used to communicate but to get knowledge as well. Many textbooks in technologies, economics and science of other disciplines are recently published in English. The growth of English infiltrates in almost all fields of life such as commerce, communication, tourism, science and technology and many others. Recently, English has grown to its present status as the Major World Language.
In our beloved country, Indonesia, English is the first foreign language. The government has adopted English as the first language taught in every schools in Indonesia from the secondary school until the university.
But, since 1994 the government has new program that English is taught since the fourth grade of the elementary. So that, it is put into the curriculum as a foreign language, English is taught in formal schools. In foreign language situation the thousands of English learners tend to have an instrumental motivation for learning the foreign language. Indonesia needs to transfer science and technology from other countries as a consequence of being a developing country. This situation may be an instrumental motivation which insist Indonesians to posses a good English proficiency, especially for those who are educated. That is why, English is instructed in every formal school.
To provide the skillful and sophisticated manpower, our government has held the real act to prepare it. That is the proof, by including on 1994 curriculum, that English is not only studied at secondary and high schools but also chosen as "Mualan Lokal" at Elementary School. It is really the first best step, because children are very limited in use. So that the learners will get less speech to imitate because of no more people using English in communication. Whereas, it must be aware that the learners can speak nothing before listening of first. And their imitations will not guarantee them to be qualified in English. The learners themselves must realize that they have their own tongues, Indonesian's. According to Robert Lado (1964: 50), says :
Speech can be invented by the student; it has been imitated. Poor models, poor imitations. Good models do not guarantee good imitations, but they are necessary to permit good responses.By coming an English subject to

Elementary School as "Muatan Lokal". It will prosecute the Elementary School teachers to teach English. Eventhough, it is something new for them. In teaching of English, they involve both the language skills, such as: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and language aspects, such as: structure, vocabulary, pronunciation and so on. Besides teaching of English for children, a teacher has to understand about developing psychology of children, what children interested in to be the focus in teaching like singing songs, playing games, and so on.
According to the above background, the writer would like to study on the Teaching and Learning Process of English at Elementary School.

B.      Research Questions
The questions of this research paper is as follows :
1.       How is the implementation by the English teacher of Elementary School in teaching learning process in the sixth year of SD Negeri 1 Pacitan ?

C.      Objectives of the Study
In order to reach the goal of study, the writer formulates the problem as follows :
1.       To describe the implementation of English teacher of Elementary School in teaching learning process in the sixth year of SD Negeri I Pacitan

D.      Benefit of the Study
The study is intended eventually to know the teaching and learning process of English at Elementary School students. The writer uses Elementary School students an object of study because English is something new for them. It is the best chance to put the basic foundation to determine the students ability in English.
This study can be used as a good device to know the original ability of Elementary School students in studying English before they continue to higher grades. This will help the teacher to plan the best method and technique in teaching and learning process of English at Elementary School. Hopefully, the future ability of students will be better by the right treatment and strategy in teaching and learning process.

E.       Research Paper Organization
This thesis consist of five chapters :
Chapter I is an introduction which contains background of knowledge, review of related literature, research problem, objectives of the study, benefits of the study,
Chapter II is review of related literature which consists of principles of language teaching, the importance of English for children, teaching of English for children, approaches of teaching English for children, instructional materials, learning English for children, teaching and learning activities, and the teacher-student relationship
Chapter III is research methodology which describes research method, technique of checking data credibility, research setting, subject of the study, data source, methods of collecting data, methods of analyzing the data, Chapter IV is Analysis and Discussion Chapter V is Conclusion and Suggestion.

Arikunto, Suharsimi, 1986. Prosedure Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Paktik. Jakarta : Bina Aksara.

Asher, James J, 1998. Learning Another Language through Actions: The Complete Teacher's Guidebook, Los Gatos. California: Sky Oaks Productions with classroom-Tested Lessons by Carol Adamski.

Anthony, Edward M, 1965. Approach, Method, and Technique in Teaching English at a Second Language. New York: Prentice Hall.

Brown, Douglas H, 1995. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. San Francisco: Prentice Hall Regent.

Chomsky, N, 1996. Linguistic Theory in Mead. 1996: 43. Reprinted also in Allen and Van Buren; 1971 :152.

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 1994. Garis-garis Besar Pengajaran, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar . Jakarta : Balai Pustaka.

Echols, John M, and Hasan Shadily. Kamus Inggris - Indonesia, Indonesia - Inggris. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.

Lado, Robert, 1994. Language Teaching : A Scientific Approach. London: Longman Green and Co.

Littlewood, William, 1983. Communicative Language Teaching : An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Piepho, H. E, 1981. Establishing Objective in the Teaching of English, In C. Candlin (ed), The Communicative Teaching of English: Principles and an Exercise Typology. London: Longman.

Richard, J. C, 1992. The Context of Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Richard, J. C, and Theodore S. Rogers, 1993. Approach and Methods in Language Teaching. London: Cambridge University Press.

Rivers, Wilga M, 1981. Teaching Foreign Language Skills. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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