Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012




A.      Background of the Study
Interaction, restriction, and determination in society may have been. caused by social classes. People who has equal class tends to interact each others in the society of the same class, but in contrast, people who has not equal class have difficulties to interact and they will be isolated. Commentary deal with social class and the impact of it will interest many criticism, researcher, and analyst who will explore it. Although social class is an empirical phenomenon which existed in the past until present, but social class is always impressionable and it is also actual to be discussed. The relationship between social class and the impact of it becomes the basis of writer's assumption in analysis. Therefore, this is the reason why the writer   chooses Agnes Grey as the object of the study.
Novel Anne Bronte's Agnes Grey (1846) is one of England classical middle-nineteenth century novels, which responded to social condition and based on Bronte's experience as a governess. Bronte describes a major character, Agnes Grey who becomes governess in Mr. Bloomfield's family at the first time, but due to the fact that she is not appropriate with the family's expectation, immediately Agnes is retired from her occupation as governess. At the second time, Agnes enters a new family, Mr. Murray who is higher than Mr. Bloomfield in social status. Agnes had suffered from oppression determination and isolation. It is also narrated that Agnes has difficulty to associate herself on this family, because Agnes has esteemed that she has not the same social class. Not only Agnes is isolated from interaction, but also is Agnes restricted whether in the family, in church, in surrounding people or restricted in love. Hence, social class had determined Agnes in the circumstance.
Social class phenomenon which is illuminated by Bronte' in her novel Agnes Grey is her response to social condition that occurred in this period. Instead, this novel is also expected to be able to influence the reader and society in order to change their thought on social class. In addition social class that causes restriction, limitation, and determination, can be eliminated.
In particular, a novel is regarded as a manifestation of the narrator ideas, and in the novel, it expresses what society is expected by narrator to influence the reader. Similarly, noticed Goldman in Towards a Sociology of The Novel, who stated that literary work is the reflection of social, politic, economic, and religious phenomenon that are transformed into the work. Moreover, in sociology of the novel, it is studying and esteeming the problem on the literary work. Instead, it implicates that the sociology of literary is a interrelated methodology between literary and social background in analysing in other to find the resolution of the social phenomenon problem of the novel (1975: 6).
Moreover, Faruk in Pengantar Sosiologi Sastra argued that Marxist theory if it is compared to others social theory, dominates to all position in discussing of sociological literary ; 1994.5) In other words, Marxist theory is still significant to all conditions deal with the novel, which are especially written in the nineteenth century Hence. In Anne Bronte's novel Agnes Grey, it is possibly to emerge any aspect that can be explored, but the writer is focused here is on social class and the impact of its as the central of the novel. Conducting the reason above, the writer interests to object Agnes Grey by using sociology, Marxist theory especially.

B.      Problem Statement
The major problem of the study is how Anne Bronte synthesizes social class determination into a new society.

C.      Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are as follows :
1.       To analize the novel based on its structural elements.
2.       To analize the novel based on the Marxist perspective.

D.      Benefit of the Study
The research is expected to be useful for other writers who will do the same research. It is also expected to enlarge the discourse on literary studies especially to the study of sociology of literature in using Marxist theory.

E.       Research Method
A qualitative research is a research procedure, which produced a descriptive data, and it is focused on such as written or spoken words relates with people and manner that able to observe (Moleong, 1989:3).
The research is library research by using qualitative methods. The subject of this research is the novel Agnes Grey. The data is text data whether it is word, phrases or sentence taken from Anne Bronte's novel. The data it self is taken from two sources. The sources are; primary data source is the novel Anne Bronte's Agnes Grey, which was published at 1846 and secondary data sources are from the other books related with Marxist theory and England Industrial Revolution.
The data collection technique is library research. The writer collects and records the data from primary and secondary sources.
The technique of data analysis is content analysis, which follows the following steps:
1.       The writer will present data collection, which has related with England historical background and Marxist  theory.
2.       The collected data will be interpreted by means of hermeneutics.

F.       Paper Organization
Paper organizations are given in order to get a clear description. The paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter I is introduction. It consists of, background of the study, problem statement, objective of the study, benefit of the study, research method, theoretical approach and paper organization.
Chapter II is underlying theory. It includes Marxist theory and various theories supporting to this paper. Chapter III is English historical background. Chapter IV is structural analysis of the novel. Chapter V is the w-niter analysis in the relationship among theory of Marxist and the novel it self And the last chapter, chapter VI consists of conclusion.


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