Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012



1.1    Background of The Study
Reading English novels is enjoyable. It is advantageous as well. Rees (1973, 11-13) gives the opinion that people learn literature to help them understand another country and its people, to appear well educated, to pass an examination or simply to enjoy. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, novel is an invented story in prose, long enough to fill a complete book. By studying the novel, we can learn human experience of the author. We cannot enjoy reading prose fiction or novel unless we comprehend what the author wants in transferring the idea, so we should have more imagination if we want to know the idea of the author. Literature allows the readers to enjoy the vision and imagination of the writer.
By studying literature people are exposed to many kinds of reasons and a background which causes many happenings. Studying literature also makes readers aware of the problems of life.
According to Rees in his book English Literature (1973: 3), literature is a writing which expresses and communicates thoughts, feelings and attitudes toward life. Literature in widest sense is just about anything written. Literature, whether it is in the form of a novel, short story, poetry or play, always serves a real life values such 2 as ambition, love, friendship, history, moral, knowledge, and cultures, imagination include art and religion.
By reading a literacy we can also learn about other culture from different countries in the world. Every country in the world has culture and custom. As an archipelagic country, Indonesia also has a culture from the various tribes and each of the tribe is different. Consequently we can learn a lot of cultures from the different tribes. Moreover, another country also has tribes, culture and their own custom, like Japan. As a monarchy, Japanese society also has a custom that they cherish from their ancestors. The cultures and customs in Indonesia and Japan are so different, so that we can learn the culture and custom from both countries.
As a sociological issue, culture has a big correlation with literature. Sociology it self means the systematic and objective study of society and social behavior (Popenoe, 1983: 2). Because literature is a writing which talks about a society, and how people interact with each other. I analyze a literary work using sociological approach through the relationship among the characters, to know how they interact, and respect each other in the society although they come from different societies.
Sociology is relevant to other disciplines and everyday life issue because it deals with the familiar world of people and society and has a goal of understanding human society, human beings and their lives. Sociology has a wide range of society and social behavior that include culture, family, gender, ethnicity, politics, population, and also religion. 3
Now, there are various novels and films that reflect cultures of societies and nations. One of them is Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden. After reading the novel and watching the film Memoirs of a Geisha I learn new cultures. They are Japanese culture and Geisha lifestyle. Geisha only exist in Japan and Geisha are a part of Japanese culture. Geisha also only exists in Japan. Here, I try to do research to find the problem solution which disturbs my mind.
Moreover, literature is a part of my major and as a student of the English Department of Semarang State University who studies it to get bachelor degree; I attempt to conduct a research focusing on the Geisha’s life in Japanese Culture as found in Arthur Golden’s novel and film Memoirs of a Geisha by using sociological approach.
1.2    Reasons for Choosing the Topic
According to Bond (1984: 2), reading is the recognition of printed written symbols which serve meanings built up through the reader’s past experience. New meanings are throughout manipulation of concept already in his possession. The organization of these meanings is governed by purposes clearly defined by the reader. In short, the reading process involves both the acquisition of meanings intended by the writer and the reader’s own contributions in the form of interpretation and evaluation of and reflection on those meanings.
In this study, there are some reasons why I choose Memoirs of a Geisha as the topic of the study. Memoirs of a Geisha are interesting story. The story is about the 4
Geisha’s lifestyle and how Geisha adapt with their new life. It is challenging to discuss the life of geisha, especially from the Japanese culture point of view.
1.3    Statements of the problem
In analyzing the problem, I formulate the research questioned as follows:
1.       How is Geisha’s life revealed in the story?
2.       How does the geisha’s life influence the main characters’ behavior?
1.4    Objective of the study
By analyzing Memoirs of a Geisha, I want to achieve some objectives of the study:
1.       to get clearly information about geisha’s life revealed in the novel, and
2.       to describe the geisha’s life that influences the main characters’ behavior.
1.5    Significance of the study
The significance of the study is:
1.       the study would be able to help the readers in understanding the story of Memoirs of a Geisha,
2.       to give the readers knowledge about another culture especially Japan and the life of Geisha,
3.       to give readers information about sociology in literature.
1.6    Outline of the Study
This final project is developed into five chapters. Chapter I is introduction which discusses the general background of the study, reasons for choosing the topic, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and outline of the study.
Chapter II presents review of related literature, the discussion of analyzing novel, sociology in general, culture, Japan, and also Japan before World War II
Chapter III is methodology, which discusses a short biography of Arthur Golden, synopsis of the novel, object of the study, method of collecting data, and method of analyzing the data.
Chapter IV discusses the result of the analysis of Arthur Golden’s novel Memoirs of a Geisha. The discussion includes the influence of geisha’s life to the main character, and also geisha’s life in Japan.
Finally, chapter V contains conclusion and suggestion. 6

Bond, Guy L., et al. 1984. Reading Difficulties: Their Diagnosis and Correction. New Jersey : Prentice Hall Inc

Furse, Raymond and Michael H., Armacost. 1991. Japan an invitation. Tokyo : Charles E. Tuttle Co  Golden, Arthur. 1997. Memoirs of a Geisha. New York : Vintage Contemporaries

Hornby, A. S. 1989. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. Oxford : Oxford University Press

Kennedy, X. J. 1983. Literature, an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Boston: Little Brown Company
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Krech, Crutchfield and Ballachey. 1962. Individual in Society: A Text Book of Social Psycology. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc

LeBihan, Jill and Green, Keith. 1996. "Critical Theory and Practice: A Coursebook”. London: Biddles Ltd, Milford and King's Lynn

McKee, James B. 1969. Introduction To Sociology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc

Ogburn, William F and Meyer F Nimkoff. 1964. Sociology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company 59

Popenoe, David. 1983. Sociology. New Jersey. Prentice – Hall, Inc
Rees, R. J. 1973. English Literature. London : Mac Millan Education Ltd
Reischauer, Edwin O. 1981. Japan : The Story of a Nation. Tokyo: Charles E Tuttle Co
Rose, Arnold M. 1968. Sociology: The Study of Human Relations. New York: Alfred A. Knoft, Inc
Smelser, Neil J. 1981. Sociology. New Jersey: Prentice – Hall, Inc
Spencer, Metta. 1985. Foundation of Modern Sociology. New Jersey: Prentice – Hall, Inc
Stewart, Elbert W. 1981. Sociology: The Human Science. New York : McGraw – Hill Book Company
____, Geisha. 2004. Encyclopedia Americana Volume 12. Connecticut : Scholastic Library Publishing.
____, Japan. 1966. The World Book Encyclopedis. London : Kingsports Press, Inc

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