Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012




A.      Latar Belakang Masalah
Nyeri punggung bawah (low hack pain) merupakan keluhan umum yang pernah dialami oleh semua orang, tetapi jarang berakibat fatal. Meskipun demikian sejak seseorang belajar berdiri dan berjalan, sejak saat itu juga dihadapkan pada risiko nyeri punggung bawah. Keluhan nyeri punggung bawah merupakan salah satu penyebab utama meninggalkan aktivitasnya
Salah satu penyebab nyeri punggung bawah adalah lama berdiri karena tuntunan dari suatu pekerjaan, yang mengharuskan berdiri lama yang lebih dari satu jam tanpa ada kesempatan untuk duduk. Seseorang yang secara terus­menerus berdiri lama akan menambah keluhan nyeri punggung bawah karena punggung yang salah statik dan tegang. Sehingga mereka butuh edukasi untuk mengurangi kcluhan nyeri punggung bawah karena lama berdiri.
Kondisi ini merupakan yang sering terjadi pada mahasiswa farmasi saat praktek. Praktek pada mahasiswa farmasi membutuhkan waktu untuk berdiri lama kira-kira 5 - 6 jam. Faktor resiko terjadinya nyeri punggung bawah karena tegangnya postur tubuh yang disebabkan beberapa aktivitas yang dilakukan secara tidak benar seperti berdiri lama.
Waktu berdiri terjadi gerakan torsi adalah gerak putar korpus vertebra akibat gaya mckanik yang dipengaruhi oleh diskus intervertebralis I sendi faset dan ligamen-ligamen interspinal. Gerak torsi sering menimbulkan kerusakan diskus yang mempercepat proses degenerasi diskus. Gerak gesek (shering force) antara korpus vertebra menimbulkan pembebanan pada faset akan bertambah. Pembebanan asimetris berkaitan dengan postrrr tubuh saat aktivitas postur yang seimbang pada waktu berdiri terlalu lama (Pudjianto, 2001). Akibat lama berdiri mcnycbabkan nyeri punggung bawah yang dapat mengganggu aktivitas serta dapat meningkatkan biaya pengobatan.
Sebagian besar nyeri punggung tidak disebabkan oleh ganguan yang serius dan umumnya sembuh sendiri, pemeriksaan menjadi kurang teliti dan penyebab yang Iebih serius tidak dapat dikctahui dengan cepat. Seringkali diagnosis pasti tidak dapat ditegakkan karena kurangnya pendekatan diagnostik. Mengingat penyebab yang sangat beragam dan melibatkan banyak disiplin ilmu fisioterapi berperan penting dalam menegakkan diagnosis. Dengan melakukan pemeriksaan fisioterapi sangatlah dibutuhkan dalam menangani kondisi ini, sehingga nyari punggung bawah dapat dikurangi atau dihilangkan.
Nampir semua jenis sakit pinggang dianggap sebagai manifestasi perubahan degeneratif pada diskus intervertebralis yang mcngcnai unulus fibrosis. Pada tahap berikutnya, hernia nuklcus pulposus sebagai faktor etiologik sakit pinggang paling sering di diagnosa. Oleh karena peranan unsur miofasial, sakit pinggang scring dianggap scbagai manifestasi proses patologik pada komponen miofasial susunan neuro muskuloskeletal (Nuartha, 2008).
Mediagnosa nyeri pinggang atau low back pain harus sesuai dengan keadaan sebenarnya, yang dapat diungkapkan oleh anamesa dan tindakan pemeriksaan (diagnostik fisik). Karena sering terjadi penekanan serta berperan penting unsur miofasial dalam patogenesis neuro muskuloskeletal, sehingga sering di diagnosa sebagai Nyeri pinggang bawah atau moifasial (Nuartha, 2008).
Dalam penelitian ini, penulis ingin mengetahui pengaruh lama berdiri mahasiswa farmasi UMS terhadap terjadinya nyeri punggung bawah. Dengan pemberian kuisioner pada mahasiswa farmasi UMS

B.      Identifikasi Masalah
Pemahaman tentang terbagai penyebab nyeri punggung bawah sangat penting mengingat nyeri punggung bawah hanyalah suatu diagnosa klinis bukan diagnosa etiologis. Diantara penyebab nyeri punggung bawah karena lama berdiri.Punggung harus bekerja non stop 24 jam sehari,dalam posisi berdiri punggung harus bekarja keras menyangga tubuh kita. $isa dibayangkan, jika kita tidak menjaga kesehatan punggung maka nyeri punggung akan terjadi. Nyeri punggung yuang paling sering terjadi yang disebabkan karena terlalu lama berdiri, sikap berdiri yang tidak terlalu tepat, postur tubuh yang tidak ideal, aktivitas yang berlebihan, serta trauma. Mencegah nyeri punggung yang harus dilakuakan adalah menghindari faktor resiko (Gatam,2006)
Berdiri dengan posisi yang salah akan menyebabkan otot-otot pinggang menjadi tegang dan dapat merusak jaringan lunak sekitarnya. Dan bila, berlanjut terus akan menyebabkan penekanan pada bantalan tulang belakang yang mengakibatkan hernia nukleus pulposus. Tekanan pada bantalan saraf pada saat berdiri dianggap 100%. Pada kerja otot statis, dengan pengerahan tenaga 50% dari kekuatan maksimum otot hanya dapat bekerja I menit. Sedang pada pengerahan tenaga < 20% kerja fisik dapat berlangsung cukup lama. Tetapi pengerahan otot satis sebesar 15 - 20% menyebabkan kelelahan dan nyeri jika berlangsung sepanjang hari ( Pudjianto, 2001).
Keluhan umum penderita nyeri punggung adalah pada regio lumbo sacral, tanda dan gejala lain yang dapat menyertai adalah nyeri yang menjalar sampai tungkai (iscialgia), deviasi postur (scoliosis, hyperlordosis, flat back) ganguan gerak tulang belakang, spasme otot paravertehralis, refered pain.
Disamping permasalahan yang tersebut di atas, peneliti ingin mengetahui huhungan lama berdiri mahasiswa farmasi UMS terhadap terjadinya nyeri punggung bawah.

C.      Pembatasan Masalah
Mengingat banyaknya gangguan yang terjadi pada daerah kaki, disini peneliti lebih menfokuskan terhadap terjadinya nyeri punggung bawah yang disebabkan karena faktor lama berdiri.

D.      Perumusan Masalah
Berdasarkan masalah yang akan diteliti, maka dapat dirumuskan :
Apakah ada hubungan lama berdiri terhadap terjadinya nyeri punggung bawah?

Arikunto, S, 2002. Prosedur Penelitian. Rieke Cipta :.lakarta. Basmajian, John V., 1989; Therapiutik Exercise; Third Edition, USA

Caillet, R., 1981. Low Back Pain Syndrome; Second Edition, FA Davis Company: Philedelpia.

Chusid, J.G., 1990. Neuroanatomi Korelatif dan Neuro Fungsional; Cetakan Kedua. Gadjah Mada University Press: Yogyakarta.

De Wolf, A.N.& Mens, J.M.A., 1990; Pemeriksaan Alat Penggerak Tubuh; Cetakan Kedua; Penerjemah Steven Pandago: Netheriland.

Feldman, D. E.. 2001. Risk Factor for The Development of Low Back Pain in Andalescence. American Journal of Epidimologi. Diambil pada tanggal 18 Oktober dari www. ProquesU pqdauto

Gempur, S, 2005; Pengaruh Titik Behan Tumpu Tubuh karena Berdiri Terhadap Nyeri Punggung. Universitas Airlangga

Ig. Sujatno dkk, 2002; Sumher Fisis; Politeknik Kesehatan Surakarta; Surakarta. Imric, David. 1995. Mengatasi Nyeri Punggung. Arcan. Jakarta.

Kapandji, LA., 1990; The Physiology of Joint; Volume Three Cruchill, Livingstone, USA.

Netter, Frank, H., 1990. Atlas of Human Anatomy; Second Printing, Summit, New Jersey.

Notoadmodjo, 2003. Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan (Edisi revisi). Jakarta : PT. Rieka Cipta.

Nuartha, AA.Bgs. 2004, Penatalaksanaan Nyeri Pinggang Bawah Neurologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana Denpasar, diambil pada tanggal 13 Februari 2008 dari

Nurdwinuringtyas, 2007; Latihan Nyeri Pinggang; simposium awam RS Pelni Jakarta

Parjoto, S., 2006; Terapi Listrik untuk Modulasi Nyeri. Ikatan Fisioterapi Indonesia, Semarang.

Pearce, E., 2000; Anatomi dan Fisiologi untuk, Paramedis. Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

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A.      Latar Belakang
Nyeri punggung bawah atau low back pain (LBP) merupakan keluhan yang sering kita dengar dari orang usia lanjut, namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan dialami oleh orang usia muda (Paliyama, 2003). Low back pain atau nyeri punggiuig bawah merupakan salah satu gangguan muskuloskeletal yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas tubuh yang kiu-ang baik (Maher, Salmond & Pellino, 2002). Low back pain dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai penyakit muskuloskeletal, gangguan psikologis dan mobilisasi yang salah. Menurut Rakel (2002), low back pain adalah nyeri punggung bawah yang berasal dari tulang belakang, otot, saraf atau struktur lain pada daerah tersebut. Low back pain diklasifikasikan kedalam 2 kelompok yaitu kronik dan akut. Low back pain akut terjadi dalam waktu kurang dari 12 minggu. Sedangkan low back pain kronik terjadi dalam waktu 3 bulan (Rogers, 2006). Dengan demikian low back pain adalah gangguan muskuloskeletal yang pada daerah punggung bawah yang disebabkan oleh berbagai penyakit dan aktivitas tubuh yang kurang baik.
Faktor resiko terjadinya low back pain karena tegangnya postur tubuh, obesitas, kehamilan, faktor psikologi dan beberapa aktivitas yang dilakukan dengan tidak benar seperti mengangkat barang yang berat dan duduk yang lama. Duduk lama pada murid sekolah atau mahasiswa pada saat perkuliahan berlangsung juga dapat mengakibatkan terjadi nyeri punggung (Klooch, 2006 dalam Zamna, 2007).
Usia merupakan faktor yang memperberat terjadinya low back pain, sehingga biasanya di derita oleh orang berusia lanjut karena penurunan fungsi­fungsi tubuhnya terutama tulangnya sehingga tidak lagi elastis seperti diwaktu muda. Tetapi saat ini sering ditemukan orang berusia muda sudah terkena low back pain (Paliyama, 2003). Penelitian yang dilakukan Klooch (2006) terhadap murid sekolah di Skandinavia menemukan 41,6 persen yang menderita nyeri punggung bawah selama duduk di kelas, terdiri dari 30 persen yang duduk selama satu jam, dan 70 persen yang duduk lebih dari satu jam. Dengan demikian usia bukan lagi faktor yang memperberat melainkan faktor pendukung.
Masalah nyeri punggung bawah yang timbul akibat duduk lama menjadi fenomena yang sering terjadi saat ini. 60 % orang dewasa mengalami nyeri punggung bawah karena masalah duduk yang terjadi pada mereka yang bekerja atau yang aktivitasnya lebih banyak dilakukan dengan duduk. Duduk lama dengan posisi yang salah dapat menyebabkan otot-otot punggung menjadi tegang dan dapat merusak jaringan lunak sekitarnya. Bila keadaan ini berlanjut, akan menyebabkan penekanan pada bantalan saraf tulang belakang yang mengakibatkan hernia nukleus pulposus (Chang, 2006 dalam Zamna, 2007). Fenomena diatas sekarang juga terjadi pada pengendara sepeda motor, terutama para sales perusahaan-perusahaan yang memasok barang-barang ke toko-toko, pekerjaan yang dijalani setiap hari diatas kendaraan memungkinkan terjadinya low back pain. Berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan oleh peneliti pada PT. Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Ceria) di Solo, dilihat dari jam kerja yang dimulai dari pukul 09.00 - 17.00 wib, para sales bisa berkendara sampai 6 jam setiap harinya dengan diselingi istirahat. Kegiatan diatas kendaraan yang dilakukan para sales dalam setiap hari hampir lebih dari 80% dari waktu berkerja para sales tersebut.
Sukarto (2007) mengatakan, "Saat manusia duduk, beban maksimal lebih berat 6-7 kali dari berdiri. Tulang atlas yang menyangga tengkorak mengalami beban terberat. Jika riding position-nya salah, bagian tulang belakang yakni vertebra lumbal 2-3 (mendekati tulang pinggul) akan terserang nyeri punggung bawah. Jika salah terus, berulang-ulang apalagi ditambah getaran kontinu, akan timbul radang (artrosis lumbalis) lalu pengapuran tulang belakang dan terjepitnya syaraf tulang belakang. Jika sudah parah bisa terjadi fraktur atau patah". Putra (2007) mengatakan bahwa pabrikan harus merancang posisi pengendara dan penumpang yang baik aman dan nyaman karena hal ini juga mempengaruhi ergonomi motor. Kaitannya terhadap si pengendara yang didalamnya mempelajari antropometri (human dimension), Bio Mechanic (ilmu tentang gerak tubuh), fisiologi (faal, psikologi dan penginderaan). Berkendara pun harus memperhatikan ketahanan tubuh, jangan berkendara lebih dari 2,5 jam karena inilah waktu maksimal yang masih bisa dijalani tubuh. Namun variabel waktu ini dapat berkurang bila pengendara tidak memiliki daya tahan tubuh yang baik akan posisi berkendara yang salah. Keluhan nyeri punggung bawah akan mulai dirasakan setelah 6 bulan, apabila pengendara sepeda motor secara rutin berkendara setiap hari minimal 2,5 jam (Sukarto, 2007). Menurut Samara (2004) , setelah duduk selama 15-20 me-nit, otot-otot punggung biasanya mulai letih, mulai dirasakan nyeri ptmggung bawah. Dan berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan Idyan tahun 2005 pada mahasiswa ekstensi Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia sebanyak 35 responden yang duduk setiap perkuliahan selama 1- 3 jam. Didapatkan data sebanyak 4 orang atau 11,4% responden mengalami nyeri ringan, sedangkan 37,1% atau 13 responden yang mengalami nyeri sedang dan sebanyak 51,4 % atau 18 orang responden mengalami nyeri berat. Tingkatan nyeri yang dirasakan mahasiswa sangat dipengaruhi oleh prilaku mahasiswa pada saat duduk.
Apabila kejadian duduk dalam waktu lama saat berkendara tersebut tenis terjadi, sangat berpotensi sekali terjadinya keluhan nyeri punggung bawah pada pengendara sepeda motor, khususnya para sales perusahaan yang menghabiskan paling tidak 80% waktu berkerja mereka diatas motor. Apabila terjadi nyeri punggung bawah pada para sales tersebut, secara tidak langsung akan menurunkan tingkat produktifitas. Dan bagi perusahaan tempat mereka berkerja, akan mengalami kerugian. Oleh karena itu peneliti menganggap sangat perlu untuk mengetahui, apakah ada hubungan antara lama berkendara dengan timbulnya keluhan nyeri punggung bawah. Dimana bila kondisi ini memiliki hubungan, diharapkan timbulnya keluhan nyeri punggung bawah dapat diminimalisir atau dicegah sehingga gangguan-gangguan yang disebabkan oleh nyeri punggung bawah, seperti penurunan tingkat produktifitas dapat dicegah.

B.      Identifikasi Masalah
Punggung harus bekerja tanpa berhenti 24 jam sehari. Dalam posisi duduk, berdiri (mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga, berjalan) bahkan tidur, harus bekerja keras menyangga tubuh kita. Bisa dibayangkan , jika kita tak jeli menjaga kesehatan punggung, maka nyeri punggung atau nyeri tulang belakang atau back pain pun menimpa. penyebab low back pain yang paling sering adalah duduk terlalu lama, sikap duduk yang tidak tepat,postur tubuh yang tidak ideal (improper), aktivitas yang berlebihan, serta trauma. Jadi, untuk mencegah nyeri punggung, yang harus dilakukan adalah menghindari semua itu (Gatam, 2006).
Duduk lama dengan posisi yang salah akan menyebabkan otot-otot punggung menjadi tegang dan dapat merusak jaringan lunak sekitarnya. Dan, bila ini berlanjut terus, akan menyebabkan penekanan pada bantalan saraf tulang belakang yang mengakibatkan hernia nukleus pulposus. Bila tekanan pada bantalan saraf pada orang yang berdiri dianggap 100 persen, maka orang yang duduk tegak dapat menyebabkan tekanan pada bantalan saraf tersebut sebesar 140 persen. Tekanan ini menjadi lebih besar lagi 190 persen bila ia duduk dengan badan membungkuk ke depan. Namun, orang yang duduk tegak lebih cepat letih karena otot-otot punggungnya lebih tegang. Sementara orang yang duduk membungkuk kerja otot lebih ringan, namun tekanan pada bantalan saraf lebih besar. Setelah duduk selama 15-20 menit, otot-otot punggung biasanya mulai letih. Maka, mulai dirasakan nyeri punggung bawah (Samara, 2004).
Pada sales perusahaan-perusahaan yang dalam berkerjanya menggunakan kendaraan sepeda motor dalam memasarkan produknya, dalam sehari mereka bisa berkendara minimal 6 jam.

C.      Batasan Masalah
Dikarenakan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga, teori dan biaya maka pada penelitian ini, peneliti lebih memfokuskan terhadap lama waktu berkendara yang dijalani setiap hari minimal 2,5 jam dalam sehari, pada pengendara sepeda motor jenis bebek, pada sales selular ceria di kota solo.

D.      Perumusan Masatah
Sukarto (2007), mengemukakan bahwa dalam berkendara pun harus memperhatikan ketahanan tubuh. Jangan berkendara lebih dari 2,5 jam karena

Alimul, A. Azis, 2003. Riset Keperawatan dan Teknik Penulisan Ilmiah. Jakarta. Salemba Medika.

Andargini, Rivai, 2007. Beda Wanita dan Pria Saat Berkendara. Diambil pada tanggal 26 juli 2008 dari ww

Anonim, 2007, Vibrasi : Pengaruh Getaran Motor Bagi Tubuh. Diambil pada tanggal 23 Desember 2008 dari www. Sd.irah;i-'I'htmdermet

Arikunto, S, 2002. Prosedur Penelitian, Jakarta. Rieke Cipta.

Apley, AG and Louis S, 1995. Terjemahan Orthopedi dan Fraktur Sistem Apley. Edisi ke-7, Widya Medika. Jakarta.

Caillet, R, 1981. Low Back Pain Syndrome. Second Edition, FA Davis Company, Philadelphia.

Chusid, J.G. 1994. Neuroanatomi Korelatif dan Neurologi Fungsional. Cetakan kedua. Gajah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Free Dictionary. 2006. Siting, diambil pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2007 dari httml

Ghozali, Imam. 2005. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariabel Dengan Program SPSS. Semarang : Badan Penerbit UNDIP.

Idyan, Zamna. 2007. Hubungan duduk lama saat perkuliahan dengan keluhan "low back pain". Diambil pada tanggal 4 april 2008 dari

Kapandji, LA, 1974. The Physiology of The Joint. Second Edition Churchill Living Stone. New York.

Kuntono, HT, 2007. Anatomi Fungsional Vertebrae. Diambil pada tanggal 1.7 November 2008 dari www.
Mardiman, Sri, dkk, 1994. Buku Pegangan Kuliah: Dokuemntasi Persiapan Praktek Profesional Fisioterapi II. Depkes RI, Akademi Fisioterapi Surakarta. Surakarta.

Notoatmodjo, 2005; Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan(Edisi Revisi); Jakarta: PT Rieke Cipt

Paliyama, J.M., 2003; Perbandingan Efek Terapi Arus Interferensi dengan TENS dalam Pengurangan Nyeri Punggung Bawah Muskuloskeletal; FK Undip Semarang, Semarang.

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A.      Background of the Study
There are various characteristics of human being society. The characteristics reflect someone's behavior, attitude, and the way of speaking, dressing and thinking. The variations of their behavior are caused by many cases such as family, environment and education. The way they behave in the society shows the way of the life in their environment, for example, the behaviour of villagers and city resident, shows the level of their education. Viewed from their behavior, we can conclude whether they have high education or not.
Most of people prefer hiding their identities than showing who they really are. They cover themselves by using make up, dressing, attitude, the way of speaking and etc. Eventhough they cover their real identity, sometimes, their real identity will turned up again. But not all people hide their identities, they act like what they are.
The correlation between attitude and social class attract the literary author's attention. One of those writes is George Bernard Shaw in his play Pygmalion. Shaw began to write criticism, reviewing books and later music and drama in 1885. In his long lifetime he wrote than fifty plays, five novels and some criticism on music, politic biography and autobiography. In 19?5 Shaw got the Nobel Prize for Literature. In his plays, Shaw presented many controversial ideas and sometimes-lengthy introduction to them.
Besides as a scribe, Shaw became a socialist and joined the Fabian Society in 1884. According to Gassner (1963:622) that the reading of Marx Capital was the turning point in his life. Shaw's greatest concern was society and social problem (The World Book Encyclopedia Volume II. 1966: 242). As a socialist Shaw realize the important of art as a propaganda, art is the subtlest, the most seductive, the most effective means of propagandist in the world –
Besides, Shaw is known as a critic and satirist, it can be seen from his masterpiece play are: Arm and the Man (1894), The Man of Destiny (1897), Fanny's First Play (1911), Androcles and the Lion (1912), and Bouyant Billions (1949). Another masterpieces are: You Never' Can Tell (1900) Pygmalion (1912) and Man and Superman (1905) is comedy talk about new women, Robson (1970:4) states that Pygmalion is the finest Shaw's comedy, Pygmalion (1912), which has deep roots in his own psychology. According to Gassner (1963: 634) in Pygmalion Shaw forced satire on society with comedy of sex. It means that in Pygmalion Shaw is using satire and critic to the class in English. It can be seen from the relation of Henry Higgins, the phonetics professor, and his student, Eliza Doolittle. The teacher from the upper class and the student from the lower class Gassner furthermore told that the different of social class just the "skin deep after all". It means that the different of social class is the took of it, because all of the men are same. Gassner (1963: 6334) states that the difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves but how she is treated.
Social aspect in Pygmalion play is interesting for the critic to criticize- In Encyclopedia Americana (1974: vol. 24: 676) written that Pygmalion play is criticism of Shaw to - the British Class Structure". The difference of social class is just to obstruct the development of society, so it must be destroyed. The difference of social class is false, so that, Pygmalion the title of the play which is has the same meaning as the carver name in Greek Mythology a 'flower girl' can be changed to be "lady" after sixth months studied phonetic to the professor phonetics.
Pygmalion play is a comedy play, which consists of criticism and satire .It means the play has two aspects, they are comedy aspect and social aspect. Those aspects motivates to the writer to analyze this play. The writer is interested in analyzing one of them, namely the social aspect.

B.      Literature Review
Exactly, there are many researchers who analyze GB Shaw's, Pygmalion plays. Mostly they come from the student of UNS. For instance: Nur Zaini, NIM C 0382034 with the title "Aspek Komedis Drama Pygmalion Karya GB Shaw (Sebuah Analisis structural ) ". In his thesis, he uses structural analysis that represents the intrinsic of comedy aspect in Pygmalion- Another is Suyarmanto, NIM C 0385055 with the title " Usaha Eliza Doolittle .1leningkatkan Status Socialnya & Masyarakat dalam Drama Pygmalion Karya GB Shaw". By using psychological approach she tried to express the factors of Eliza to increase her status. Another researcher is Muhammad Ari# Hidayat, NIM C 039149, with the tittle "The Strategies of Apology Used by the Characters in the Drama Entitled Pygmalion by GB Shaw". For her the from of apology which are used by the characters in the Pygmalion and function as apology. Thus the other is Lestari, NIM C 0394042, with the title "An Analysis Address Type in Pygmalion a Play 6y GB Shaw (A Sociolinguistics Approach). For her descriptive qualitative research about the types of address used by characters in Pygmalion. Then, Sumiyati, NIM C0391059, with the title "Shaw's Criticism Toward the English Socio Culture in Pygmalion ". She fined out Shaw's criticism toward the character. Thus the last researcher is Dyah Ely Yuni W, NIM A 320 910 030, With the title "Struggling Motivation Toward Self Realization as Implied in GB Shaw's Pygmalion ".
Among them, as far as the writer concern, there is no research that focuses on the sociological analysis in Pygmalion, at least, among the University students in Surakarta. The researcher is interested in taking the play as the object of the study.

C.      Research Problem
The problem of the study is "How does the play reflects the social realities of the English society in the Early Twentieth Century and how does George Bernard Shaw respond to the social realities?"

D.      Objective of the Study
Based on the problem statement, the writer scrutinizes the objective of the study as follows.
1.       To analyze the structure of the play.
2.       To analyze the play using sociological approach in order that the readers easier to understanding the play

E.       Benefit of the Study
The benefits expected from the study are as follows:
1.       The study contributes to the body of knowledge, particularly the literary study on Shaw's Pygmalion.
2.       The study gives information to the reader about the sociological play.

F.       Research Method
To analyze " the relationship between the play and the social aspect of the play a case study on GB Shaw's Pygmalion", the writer uses qualitative research in this research paper that will cover:
1.       Primary Data Source
The primary data source is Pygmalion play. The data covers such things as word, sentences, events, and dialogues in the play.
2.       Secondary Data Source
The secondary data source include such source as:
a.       The author's biography.
b.       The history of England in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century.
c.        The literary work.
3.       The Technique of Data Collecting
The data collecting technique is library research. The writer takes some steps as follows:
a.       Reading the play repeatedly.
b.       Taking notes of the important part in both primary and secondary data.
c.        Classifying the data into some categories.
d.       Selecting them by rejecting the irrelevant information, which does not support the topic of the study.
4.       Technique of Data Analysis
In analyzing the data, the writer employs descriptive qualitative analysis.

G.      Paper Organization
The Thesis Organization of this study consists of six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction that contains the background of the study, literature review, research problems, the objective of the study, the benefit of the study, research method and paper organization. The second chapter is the underlying theory, which consist of genetic structuralism. The third chapter is the historical backgound of English in the early twentieth century, which consist of England in the late nineteenth century and GB Shaw's social background The fourth chapter is structural analysis, which consist of character and characterization, setting, plot, and theme. The fifth chapter is the sociological analysis, which contains in the social issues reflected in the early of twentieth century and Shaw's response to the social issues, and the last chapter is conclusion and suggestion


Clark, G. Kitson. 1967. The Making of Victorian England", The Victorian Agre New York : Fawcet Publication, Inc.

Barnet, Sylvan. 1963. An Introduction to Literature. Toronto: Little Brown and Co.

Boulton, Majorie. 1971. The Anatomy of Drama. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul

Ervine, St. J.1972. Bernard Shaw : His Life, Work and Friends. London : Constable and Company Ltd.

Faruk. 1994. Pengantar Sosiologi Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Fink, Howard. 1971. Shaw Pvgmalion Notes. London: Publishing Company Limited

Ford. 1962. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. New York: W.W. Norton

Bums, Elizabeth, and Tom. 1983. Sociology of Literature and Drama. Great Britain: C.C. Nicholas and Co.

Hardjana, Andre. 1991. Kritik Sastra: Sebuah Pengantar. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Hatten, Theodore, W. 1962. Orientation to Theater. New York: Meredith Publishinc,

Meisal, Martin. 1965. Shaw and Nineteenth Century Theater. New Jersey: Princeton University Press

Reaske, CR. 1966. Analyze Drama. New York: Monarch Press

Robson, W.W.M. 1970. Modern English Drama. London: Oxford University Press

Selden, Raman. 1991. Panduan Pembaca Teori Sastra a.Iasa Kini. Yogyakarta:Gajah Niada Press.

Sampson, George. 1959. The Concise Cambrige History of English Literature. London : Cambrige University Press.

Styan, J.L. 1981. Modern Drama in Theory and Pratice. London: Cambrige University Press.

Samekto. 1981. Ikhtisar Kesusasteraan Inggris . Jakarta: PT Sastra Hudaya

Shaw, GB 1969. "Pygmalion ", Mentor Masterwork of Modern Drama (ed. Richard Goldstone H.). New York: The New American Library

Swingewood, A. and Laurenson, D. 1972. The Sociology of Literarure. London:

Stanton, Robert, 1965. An Introduction to Fiction New York: Holt, Rinehard.

Teeuw, A. 1984. Sastra dan Ilmu Sastra: Pengantar teori Sastra. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya

Tennyson, GB 1967. An Introduction to Drama. New York: Rinehart and Winston

Tindall. William. 1956. Forces in Modern British Literature . 1885-1956. New York: Fawcet Publication, Inc.

Young, G.M. 1967. " Victorian England : Potrait of an Age "The Victorian Age".
New York : Fawcet Publication, Inc.

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A.      Background
As the requirement to achieve the diploma degree, the student of Diploma Program of English Department has to write a final project based on the job training that is conducted in the last semester. The writer had conducted the job training in Radya Pustaka Museum by the period of January to February 2005.
Solo which is also known as "Surakarta Hadiningrat" is one of the most interesting destinations in Central Java which has a thriving tourist industry supported by six surrounding regencies, Sragen, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Klaten, Sukaharjo and Boyolali. Each of them has many attractions, business centers, sports, and natural point of interest. Solo is also rich of many cultural heritages.
One of the greatest tourist attractions in Solo is its museum. Eventhough, there are plenty of Museums. In Solo regency such as Suaka Budaya Museum, Pura Mangkunegaran, Wuryoningratan Gallery, Monument Pers Museum, the only museum that is considered as the second oldest museum in Indonesia is the Radya Pustaka Museum (established on 28 October 1890). The characteristic of each museum is dependent on -its collections and Radya Pustaka Museum as one of the tourist attraction in Surakarta has many collections of historical heritages.
Nowadays, Radya Pustaka Museum also develops as an informal media that works closely with formal education such as elementary schools, secondary schools, and universities to help students, teachers, lecturers, and even researchers to broaden some fields of education.
Radya Pustaka Museum as one of the information centers needs to reveal the, problem that is kept in the reverse side of the collections. On this condition, the museum's function is not just as the collection keeper and conservator but also for striving the development of the informal communication media. The visitor's satisfaction is truly suspended to the role of guides. However, during the process of leading and guiding the guides still made many mistakes and had encountered many difficulties. Therefore, the achievement of a qualified guiding service cannot always be conducted.
The writer has some reasons to choose Radya Pustaka Museum as the place of job training. They are:
1.       Radya Pustaka Museum has a big potential as a tourist attraction in Surakarta and it is also considered as the second oldest museum in Indonesia
2.       Radya Pustaka Museum has many collections of cultural heritages.
3.       The writer can practice and improve the English speaking skill by doing a guiding process to the foreign visitors directly.
4.       The writer wants to improve more knowledge of the Javanese historical collections.
5.       The writer wants to observe and describe the difficulties encountered by Radya Pustaka guides and the strategies in improving the guiding service quality in Radya Pustaka Museum.
Based on the situation above, the writer attempts to identify and to give a general description of causes of the difficulties encountered by the Radya Pustaka Museum guides. On this final project, the writer will only describe about the difficulties encountered by Radya Pustaka Museum guides and the strategies that can be applied by the Radya Pustaka Museum guides in order to improve the guiding service quality. The title of this final project is "THE DIFFICULTIES OF GUIDES IN RADYA PUSTAKA MUSEUM."

B.      Problem Statements
Based on the description of the background and previous reasons, the problem statements of the report are:
1.       What are the difficulties encountered by guides in Radya Pustaka Museum?
2.       What are the strategies in improving the guiding service quality in Radya Pustaka Museum?

C.      Objectives
Based on the problem statements, the objectives of the report are:
1.       To know the difficulties encountered by guides in Radya Pustaka Museum.
2.       To know the strategies in improving the guiding service quality in Radya Pustaka Museum.

D.      Benefits
1.       For the Reader
This report can be used as a contribution to the readers in understanding the, difficulties of guides in Radya Pustaka Museum.
2.       For Radya Pustaka Museum
This report can be used as a contribution to the Radya Pustaka Museum especially for its guides in order to improve the quality of service.
3.       For The Writer
The writer will have a description about the guiding technique applied by the guides in Radya Pustaka Museum and its difficulties.

E.      Report Organization
The report organization of the report can be seen as follows:
CHAPTER I                               : INTRODUCTION
This chapter contains of background of' the problem, problem statement, objective, benefits, and report organization.
CHAPTER II                              : LITERATURE REVIEW
This chapter contains of the definition of museum, the definition of guide, the museum guiding technique, the history of Radya Pustaka Museum, the description of Radya Pustaka Museum, the collection of Radya Pustaka Museum, the organization structure of Radya Pustaka Museum, the scope of the report.
CHAPTER III                            : METHODOLOGY
This chapter contains of the type of the report, the techniques of data collecting and the techniques of analysis.
CHAPTER IV                            : DISCUSSION
This chapter contains of the Radya Pustaka Museum guides, the guiding technique at Radya Pustaka Museum, the difficulties encountered by Radya Pustaka Museum guides, and the strategies in improving the guiding service quality in Radya Pustaka Museum.
CHAPTER V                              : CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
This chapter contains of conclusion and recommendations.


Flamalik, Oemar. 1978. The Travels and Tours. Jakarta: PT Pradnya Paramita.

Hornby, A.S. 1992. Oxford Advances Learner's Encyclopedic Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kesrul, M. 2004. Panduan Praklis Prarnuwisata Professional. Jakarta: Graha llmu.

Suroso, M.Urip. 1993/1994. Petunjuk Menjadi pembimbing Pemandu di Museum. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan. Direktorat Permuseuman. Proyek Pengembangn Permuseuman.

Sutaarga, Moh. Xmir. 1990/1991. Sludi Museologia. Jakarta:' Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan. Direktorat Permuseuman. Proyek Pengembangan Permuseuman.

Tim Radya Pustaka. 1998. Museum Radya Pustaka. Solo: Museum Radya Pustaka, Departement Pariwisata, Seni dan Budaya Surakarta.

Yoeti, Oka. A. 1991. Guiding  System, Suatu pengantar Praktis. Jakarta: PT Pradnya Paramita.

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The matter of drug abuse in Indonesia, seems to be more dangerous. This appeared in 1969, after the Indonesian government had opened the door widely for the outside world. With the growing prosperity, as a result of development in the new order, the drug abuse done the adolescents kept on increasing and reached the top in 1973. Although there was decrease of this matter in 1979, unfortunately it increased again in 1983.
Drug abuse is basically, an independent problem, but the problem corcerning other factors in social life or community. The reality shows that the drug abuse has got into the adolescents. The drug abuse can, gradually, the doers addicted to drugs physically or mentally. This problem must get serious attention form the related sides as to prevent and to solve at once. Otherwise, the adolescents will become the victim, where as they are the backbones of the nation.
The drug abuse which has recently been done by the adolescents grows rapidly, particularly in Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, and Medan. In his book entitled "PENYALAHGUNAAN NARKOTIKA OLEH PARA REMAJA", Y. Mandagi, S.H. states that the juvenile delinquency had increased. All the adolescents, at the age of fourteen and twenty-one, usually do the drugs abuse. They consist of the students of high school and the university.
In the following chapters the writer wants to bring forward some problems relevant to drug abuse in Kartasura. Kartasura is a small town that is not free from bad influences of big cities, especially adolescents' tend to consume drugs and narcotics freely. The victims only enjoy doing and thinking about their own pleasure. They are not even aware of how dangerous the drug abuse is to their lives at present and in the future. The excessive drug abuse can cause the negative impact on the community and nation. These will be discuss in chapter two entitled "The Factor That Influence The Drug Abuse" and chapter three entitled "The Impact of Narcotics Upon Adolescents In The Era of Globalization In Kartasura".

Echols, John M., and Shadily, Hassan.; "An English-Indonesian Dictionary", twentieth edition, published by PT Gramedia, Jakarta, 1992, Cornell University Press, London, 1975.

Echols, John M., and Shadily, Hassan.; "An Indonesian-English Dictionary", third edition, published by PT Gramedia, Jakarta, 1992, Cornell University Press, London, 1989.

Grant, Markus; "Penanganan Ketagihan Obat Dan Alkohol Dalam Masyarakat” published by PT ITB Bandung, 1995.

Hornby, A.S.; Gatenby, EN.; and Wakefield, H.; "The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English", second edition, published by Oxford University Press, London, 1963.

Hermawan, S. Rachman, Drs.; "Penyalahgunaan Narkotika Oleh Para Remaja”, first edition, published by PT Eresco, Bandung, 1986.

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1.1    General Background of the Study
Everyone has a desire to improve his or her knowledge. One of the activities to increase knowledge is by reading. We will get a lot of information through reading. One of reading materials is literary work, such as poem, novel, short story and drama.
Such literary works mentioned above are the products of creative compositions of an author. Each of the writers creating a certain literary work owns a different life background. He or she may be a person from high class, middle class or even lower class.
There is a statement clarifying that the life background of an author will influence the literary work he or she composed. According to Rene Wellek and Austin Warren “the main reason of literary work given birth is the composer himself or herself namely an author. That is why the explanation of personality and the author’s life is the oldest and established method in the literary work study”. Furthermore, it is also said that biography explains and clarifies the truth composition process of literary work (Rene Wellek &Austin Warren, 1977:82). Based on the previous explanation, the writer wants to present to the readers that there is an influence of author’s life background on the literary work he or she created.
Emily Dickinson is one of the great female poets in America in nineteenth century. She was the poet growing in a well-known and educated family. Calvinism, Transcendentalism, and Puritanism influenced the environment where she lived. Even, her family was adhering strictly to one of them called Calvinism. As long as she lived her life, the environment around her absolutely influenced her. She spent almost the whole life of hers by writing a lot of poems. She had written many poems for the entire of her life. Most of her poems are about love, nature and death. The poem entitled “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” is one of hers, which tells us about death. By analyzing this poem, the writer wants to know whether or not there is any influence of Emily Dickinson’s life background on the concept of death found in the poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”.

1.2    Reason for Choosing the Topic
Emily Dickinson is a great poet with a unique life background. The environment around her, the education she got, and the books she read influenced the poems she wrote. Her poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” was inspired and influenced by such aspects mentioned above. She was also inspired on the concept of death from her past experience when she found the person close to her died one by one. Emily Dickinson wrote this poem and drove the readers to realize that death is not frightening just like what in their mind.
Although Emily Dickinson had not experienced death yet at that time, she tried to write down her expression dealing with death through her poem. The aim of analyzing Emily’s poem is: the readers generally will understand that any feeling and happening at a certain time in someone’s life can influence and inspire the process of one’s creative composition.

1.3    Statements of the Problem
T he general problem of this study is: “Is there any influence of Emily Dickinson’s life background on the concept of death found in her poem entitled “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”. In order to make this study easier to solve, it is divided into sub problems, as follows:
1.       How does her religious background give influence on her perception of death?
2.       How does her past experience give contribution to her perception of death?

1.4    Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to discover the influences of Emily Dickinson’s life background on the concept of death found in her poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”. The main objective is expanded into two sub objectives, as follows:
1.       To describe whether her religious background give influence to her perception of death.
2.       To describe whether her past experience give contribution to her perception of death.

1.5    Significance of the Study
This study is significant in the following way; first, it may open or even change the readers view dealing with death, which is depicted as the most avoidable scaring event. Second, this study is able to drive the readers to become more aware and appreciate life before death come to us. Third, this study will give a little contribution to the readers, especially the students in enjoying, understanding and studying the literary work deeply, particularly poems. It is because certain poems commonly give some important and worthy lessons to learn. Finally, this study will motivate the students and the readers in general to do further study on other aspects.

1.6    Outline of the Report
This final project is presented in five chapters. Each chapter explains different topics. Chapter I is Introduction, which explains general background of the study, reasons for choosing the topic, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and outline of the study.
Chapter II presents Review of Related Literature, which comprises the general information of Calvinism, Puritanism, and Transcendentalism, the concept of death, background of Emily Dickinson and her poems, theory of biography and literary interpretation. Next, Chapter III describes Method of Investigation. It comprises the object of the study, type of the data and the steps of the collecting data, and the procedure of analyzing data.
Chapter IV discusses The Influences of Emily Dickinson’s life background on the Concept of Death found in her poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”. This chapter contains the analysis of the poem, the concept of death found in the poem, and the influences of Emily Dickinson’s life background on the Concept of Death found in her poem. And the last chapter, Chapter V presents Conclusions and Suggestions.


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